Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mighty Mighty Pleasin'

Pappy's corn squeezins! hic White lightin'!

When ground crews arrived at the undisclosed location shortly after 10 a.m., they discovered 50 marijuana plants, seven 500-gallon moonshine stills and 200 gallons of moonshine, according to the Tennessee Department of Safety.

Six of the stills contained approximately 500 gallons of mash. The state Alcoholic Beverage Commission is investigating, and no charges have been filed.


  1. If the owner had just put in for a bio-fuel subsidy, it would all be good.

  2. Short yarn...

    So, my wife and I go to this fancy-pants hipster cocktail bar downtown a few weeks ago - The Tear Drop, if you must know. (We barely drink any more, so the weekly liquor budget goes a long way even at the "fern bars".)

    See, Portland has some local distilleries now; the whole "eat local" thing has become "drink local". Why fly in vodka from Sweden when you can buy it from where they make it down the street? Awesome (as far as that kinda thing goes). Important to calculate the carbon foot print of your buzz. I guess. But the local stuff is g o o d...

    So I'm talking with the bartender - great guy; if they gave PhD's in Mixology, he'd have one - and he's like "try this" - and pours me out some clear liquor. Free sample. I down it.

    It's on fire.

    "WTF is that?"

    "Well, it's (blah blah blah) whiskey, aged three weeks (blah blah blah)...

    I cut him off. "So it's moonshine, basically."

    "Yeah, basically."

    "So I spend nine dollars for a cocktail made with local moonshine."

    "It's legal, anyway."

    "True that."

    So it's fifty cents for the liquor, and eight fifty for the establishment to play nice with Big Brother to stay in business and make their spread.

    Freedom isn't free - no shit the markup is a few hundred percent.

  3. Aged three weeks? LMAO! Sounds about right.

    I've had moonshine a time or two. Yowza. This story caught my eye because it happened where Noah's family comes from. (thank goodness his dad was career Army, or Noah might have ended up being a moonshiner instead of a geek.) ;))

  4. Lewy lives in the land of Voodoo Doughnuts and other delights.

  5. Lewy probably had one after he drank the moonshine...
