Saturday, August 28, 2010

Obama's AmeriKKKa

From Chris Rowan, at the News Real Blog, comes a report on how the Obama Administration invited input from Every America-hating group he could find to detail the horrific, apparently unprecedented evil human rights violations within the US.

This report was submitted to the UN Human Rights commission, for judgement to be passed by such stalwart defenders of right as Libya, Iran, China and North Korea.

Wea Culpa, if you will excuse my torture of Latin.  Perhaps that will make it into the next report.


1 comment:

  1. Well, that's certainly disgusting. I vote we buy all the apologists light-chain dog leashes, a one-way ticket to the foreign utopia of their choice (North Korea is nice this time of year), and give them the privacy to self-flagellate somewhere OTHER than the land of the free.

    I'm sick to death of hearing the Obama admin (and their far-left cohorts) incessantly whine, snivel, and pule.

    Man up, fer chrissakes! Grow a pair! Be proud to be an American for once in your miserable lives!
