Friday, August 27, 2010

Chris Young, Democratic Mayorial Candidate in Providence


  1. Well, he surely can't sing, but he did show a lot of courage to come in and sound do bad.

    But, is that his platform?

    I guess the question is, WHICH Providence is he running to become mayor of? Because that will have a great effect on his chances with the semi-musical platform he espouses.

    So I guess in the end, it shows that politics really IS showbiz for ugly people.

  2. Well, he's qualified to be an American politician. He's got the clown show down to a fine art. :))

  3. I thought the interviewer was brilliant, she didn't loose her cool for a second.

  4. He looks like Victor Buono's love-child to me.

    So, I certainly HOPE that Providence will have a Republican mayor after the next election.

    He certainly has read the Democrat playbook -- although it looked as though he was too cheap to have a teleprompter, as he didn't seem to be able to say a thing (except about his music) without looking at his note.
