Friday, August 27, 2010

I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry

To laugh because these people are such freaking idiots (check the design of the website) or to cry because these people are such freaking idiots (go to 'what is new' and scroll down to the Arabs in America {but certainly not Arab Americans} demands for 'peace' in the middle east via the destruction of Israel).

One nice thing, the acronym is the same as the call letters of my local 50 watt, dead-at-dusk radio station, and I would bet that station has more effect on world affairs than this gaggle of hippies with self-awarded doctorates in making reed baskets.


  1. Um... which folks? (No link)...

  2. "I would bet that station has more effect on world affairs than this gaggle of hippies with self-awarded doctorates in making reed baskets."

    Hemp. dances, hemp.

  3. the acronym is the same as the call letters of my local 50 watt, dead-at-dusk radio station

    Aha! A clue!

  4. Hemp is an awesome material and food source, struggling to overcome the negative association with hippies. Matt, please don't make life any harder for the hemp - hemp is good for you!

  5. Umm, sorry. Immediately after posting this, I went to bed, and did not realize there was not a link. There is now.

  6. Nothing says "professional crank" better than large, center-justified text and primary colors.

    All they forgot were the blink tags and the all-caps.

    Earth Federation: tell you what: this guy shows up and says "take me to your leader", we'll send him your way...


  7. Gahh, my eyes! I'm seeing dots and swimming colors!

    A quick internet search of Glen T. Martin reveals that he is a Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Radford University when he's not being a kook. Yikes!

    This guy needs an intervention to break his Gundam addiction. And maybe a swift kick in the seat of his tweed trousers, too. 8-}
