Sunday, August 29, 2010

Are you a Hippie?

In the Kitchen Table's quest to be nosey do demographic research, we are posting this quiz for you to take under penalty of being sent from the table without supper to help you find your inner meaning.


  1. Filthy stinkin quiz. Says I'm 1% hippie! I was aiming for 0%!

  2. I came up 3%, but I was born in San Franciso. Musta been something in the water.

  3. Actually I was born in CantTypeWorthADarnville. I just tell people it was San FrancisCo.

  4. How the hell am I 13% hippie? Damn quiz. I got so upset that I dropped my roach on my favorite tie dye skirt, and the cherry broke off and rolled into my left Birkenstock. It's a wonder I didn't catch my straw-built hogan on fire!

    Grumble grumble. I need a chill pill, man.

  5. I came up as 3% hippie - probably because I admitted that I read (and sometimes write) poetry.

  6. It's the recycling question that doomed me. I admitted that I recycled when it was convenient. From now on that sh*t's going in the trash, baby. Glass, plastic, even paper. Take that, Mother Earth! Hah!

  7. Lady Red who? Only person I know with a name like that is a gosh-dern hippie chick.

    =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

  8. img:""

    LOL lady red!

  9. Heh. 53% I don't think of myself as "half hippy", more like "semi hip".

  10. 10% here - must have been the poetry and recycling... Oh well. I voluntarily listened to country music the other day; does that cancel out latent hippie tendencies?

  11. I can totally see how lewy14 is 53% hippie. The long hair, feathers and lace are a dead giveaway.


  12. Fay - LMAO! Yeah, I used to have hair like that... more recently than the seventeenth century, even...

    Lyana - Hi! Yeah, the quiz was light on counter-tendencies... for instance, they didn't ask me if I was a neo-conservative who believes in peace through superior firepower.

    I figure that should be good for canceling out several gallons of hemp milk, at the very least.

  13. Lyana dahling! It's so nice to see you!

    Gosh, Lyana and Alphie all on the same day! Are we blessed, or what? :)

  14. Hi lady red! I try to lurk as often as possible, but time to comment is a rare pleasure. It's always lovely to be here.

    Lewy - dooood... really? You wore a wig?

    /ducks and runs

  15. Yay! Lewy is more hippie than I! I'm only 46% hippie. And I think it's because they didn't ask me about wearing beads or floofy skirts.

    'cuz I think that would have skewed my results. A lot.

    Also - does writing for an online site count as "making my own art and selling it on the street"? I went with another answer, but I had to think about it a little bit. :)
