Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Little Pearl

H/T to Yiddishe Mamme.

Read the background story here.

Matt and I were at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco on Monday! Unfortunately this exhibit hadn't started yet. I highly recommend a visit to the CJM anytime you are in SF, it's well worth it.


  1. He has the voice of an angel. Just beautiful.

  2. When we saw Johnny Mathis last year I had the feeling that I was watching a friend singing for me in his living room.

    Fay and I were discussing whether Mathis understood what he was singing or if he was just singing phonetically. Listening to this recording, you know he knew what it meant.

  3. Wow, that's amazing. I love Johnny Mathis, but I've never heard him sing quite like that. Great find, Fay and Matt!

    I would like to visit the CJM the next time I'm in Frisco. Thanks for the recommendation.
