Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Religion Of Atheism

Where "reason and truth" are symbolized by a yo-yo in a monk's robe armed with a hair dryer.

"I was baptized Catholic. I don't remember any of it at all," said 24-year-old Cambridge Boxterman. "According to my mother, I screamed like a banshee ... so you can see that even as a young child I didn't want to be baptized. It's not fair. I was born atheist, and they were forcing me to become Catholic."

Oh brother.  *eye roll*

                                                               It's not fair!!!  *sob*

If this guy doesn't believe, why would he go to all the trouble to attend a "de-baptization" rite, replete with mock Latin gibberish?  I mean, there would be nothing to "undo", right?

Hmm...maybe he's expressing latent anger issues stemming from his parents naming him "Cambridge".


  1. And more importantly, is "de-baptization" an actual word? It sort of rolls off the tongue. I like it.

  2. I agree, Lady Red. For him to be "de-baptized" means that he beleived that he believed that the baptism was more than dunking him in water.

    It just shows that he is one pissed-off spoiled brat who is more interested in flipping off his parents than anything else.

  3. I retain a modicum of respect for atheists like Dawkins and Hitchens, because they work hard to elaborate their views. But only a modicum, because I suspect they are deeply invested in their views as a subconscious justification for sh*tting on people and their faith. The biochemical reward mechanism (dopamine) for feeling superior is very intense. Surely Dawkins knows that.

    Profound as the reward for feeling superior is - it truly is an awesome buzz, as I can report first hand from past times when I indulged myself often - I cannot get worked up to feel superior to this young man. I can just feel sad, is about all.

    Being a fan of something (faith, reason... - heck, even limited government) is great - being a fanboy is... well... deeply useless and unattractive, at best.

    The trick with fanboys (and girls) is to identify them when they espouse views that you agree with... harder than when they espouse views which are anathema...

  4. You know, he reminds me of the dudes that get all upset and mentally whack because they are angry over being circumcised as a child. You know, the ones that go get a painful surgical procedure to "re-grow" a foreskin?

    Some people have a seriously odd sense of necessity.

    I read Dawkin's Ancestor's Tale, and the science in it was truly fascinating. However, the urge to include comments about George Bush's war crimes in a book about evolution... well. Poo.

  5. seriously odd sense of necessity - I like that.
