Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Niall Nails it

What to make of Niall Ferguson?

As a Harvard professor, one might initially suspect him of membership in the so-called "ruling class" described a few posts down the page.

But how does the man keep getting invited to Davos when he writes stuff like this?

The remedy for such fears [of government deficits] must be the kind of policy regime-change ... which the Thatcher and Reagan governments successfully implemented. Then, as today, the choice was not between stimulus and austerity. It was between policies that boost private-sector confidence and those that kill it.

Emphasis mine.

A short read on the "stimulus" controversy - the comparison of deficit conditions in the '40s vs today are frightening.


  1. Sorry for another FT link - if you register, and I would recommend you do, you get small number of free articles a month - enough to follow my links.

  2. More cookies? Nooooo!

    Niall's website publishes his articles. If we wait a few days, it'll be up. :)

  3. I went and registered, the column was quite interesting, the comments less so.

    There are still quite a number of unreconstructed loons who post there, eh?
