Monday, July 19, 2010

Moshe Keeps His Nanny

How wonderful.

Sandra Samuel , background, has been awarded Israeli citizenship in recognition of her bravery and as 'a humanitarian step' to allow her to remain with Moshe Holtzberg, foreground Photo: DEBBIE HILL


  1. Excellent news. It is good to see such heroism recognized. My guess is that she doesn't think that she was being heroic -- but she did the only thing there was for her to do.

    And that is why she is a hero.

  2. Aw, this story warms my heart! I'm happy that she was given citizenship, and allowed to stay with little Moshe. She truly is a hero!

  3. Love is a virtue that knows no distinctions. When a nation bestows it on a person, it is of the highest order. She was heroic, and Israel has proven loving. What more can be asked?
