Friday, July 23, 2010

I Am A Liberal


  1. The worst part is that I've often felt the same way about the deaths of liberals.

    Deep inside I know I would help if one needed help, but I, too, can dream.

  2. And then who would protect the liberals sorry asses?

    I am going to assume this is satire. I can only hope.

    But if it is not: How is it that those who preach intolerence are the biggest advocates of intolerence?

    Dances, at least you are thinking of those who are a danger to you.

    Years ago, I was part of a couples group at a Temple in Seattle. There was one couple of whom we never saw the husband. He was a professor at the University of Washington. I finally met him when that couple threw a get together for the group at their house.

    Another couple in the group was an Army Captain and his wife. The Captain was earning a masters degree at UW for Uncle Sam. They were two of the finest people I have ever met. The Captain and his wife could not make it to this particular get-together.

    I told the host, the UW professor about the Captain and his wife. He said, "The certainly would NOT be welcome in my home."

    Fucking asshole.

  3. Guys, this is a video put together using the actual words of the smeagles at Journolist. It's chilling to hear their words spoken out loud.
