Thursday, July 29, 2010

FinReg exempts SEC from FOIA

Now then - that wonderfully effective securities watchdog, the Securities Exchange Commission - you know, the ones who put Martha Stewart behind bars while ignoring evidence that Bernie Madoff was a crook - yeah that one - well, they won't have to worry any more about citizens nosing about and documenting just how bad the clown show is at that agency.

They claim the Dodd-Frank bill gives them exemption from the Freedom of Information Act.

Most. Transparent. Regime. Evah.

I'm getting seriously Fed Up.

HT: The Financial Times' blog, Alphaville. (Congrats to Ed and Michelle - the FT decided to blog this by linking Hot Air. Awesome.)

1 comment:

  1. If the Repubs take the House this fall, I'd like to see them touch a match to the entire financial "reform" bill. It's a bogus, self-serving waste of printer ink.
