Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Boyscouts Survive After Narrow Escape

The 'Honorary'* Chairman of the Boy Scouts of America blows off the 100th Anniversary Jambore in favor of being verbally fellated by the left-wing, hollow heads of 'The View'.  BSA leaders everywhere say, 'WHEW!! Thank God for small favors'.

*Perhaps it is time to have an Honorary Chairman who possesses some actual honor?


  1. The objective for the appearance on "The View" is to rally the base.

    The problem for the D's with respect to the R's is that the R's are eager to vote. D's, not so much.

    All they got is brand 'O'. Lipstick, pig, etc...

    Note that the Boy Scout appearance would do nothing for him politically: would discourage the base, and wouldn't make boyscout supporters any more likely to vote for D's.

    So he blows it off, expectations of the office notwithstanding.

  2. The "thunk" you hear later this morning will be the sound of Joy Behar's panties hitting the floor.

    Ew and double ew.

    Next stop: The Gong Show.

    I think his appearance on The View will hurt him with working class democrats and independents. It makes him look silly and trivial.

    When he said "change", I didn't think he meant that he would be the first sitting United States President to appear on a daytime chat show, did you? Now THAT'S change I (can't) believe in!

    I predict General Hospital when win the ratings war today. ;)
