Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Completely Bonkers

I don't know what is worse, this story or the fact that it hardly suprises me any more when I read about such craziness.


  1. I will NOT tinkle in that thing. No way. Uh uh.

    Why in the world would civilized people go back to the stone age, and squat over holes in the floor? This is beyond crazy.

  2. WTH?

    Great Britain has gone around the bend. I feel really sad about their plight.

  3. "This is beyond crazy."

    "Oh bruhdda! "


    Right then, it's off to cultural sensitivity training with the lot of you!

  4. Ah yes. I used these in Italian campgrounds in the '70's.

    If you are young, skinny, flexible, have strong quads and good knees, these toilets are actually great.

    For everyone else, they pretty much suck.

    This is Muslim cultural colonization, pure and simple.

  5. One step forward, three steps backwards.

    That's the Loo I had in rural Korea in 1970. In a tile and mortar "outhouse" that kept your wintertime visits brief.

    What's next...not quite big enough stainless steel tubs on outdoor porches for bathing? You heated the water over a charcoal fire first. They tended to keep wintertime relaxation in them brief as well.

    Hint: Suggest not to use magazine paper for bunn wad....leaves paper cuts on your heiny. And, wash you hair last in those outdoor'd freeze in winter otherwise.
