Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Remember the young soldier I told you about last week?  Clay's funeral is tomorrow.  Remember Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church?  They plan to crawl out from under their rock and picket the service.

*insert long line of expletives here*

Wait, I'm not done.

*insert another long long line of expletives here*

The county judge is nicer than I am, and had this to say:

“It seems like some folks have a real loud mouth,” Moore said. “I have a message for them. They’re not welcome in Boone County. They’re not wanted in Boone County. If they come, we will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. If it’s messages they want, this is the message we’re sending tonight.”

Amen, brother.  Amen.


  1. Well, the county judge may be nicer in tone, but what he said will stick, at least until the Phelpsian Phools appeal - wich I am hopeful will not reach another court calendar until well after the date of thr funeral.

  2. I like the way Patriot Guard handles this sort of situation.

    When those scumsuckers show up, it can be devastating for a family. But when Patriot Guard intervenes it shows the family that people are willing to fight for them.

    I still wish that the lightning that lit up Touchdown Jesus had been re-directed to the Westboro Church, but until that happens I am grateful to Patriot Guard.

  3. AFW, Patriot Guard is here in full-force. I love those guys.

  4. img:"http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt358/redhawkclan/patriotguard.jpg"

  5. lady red, they are truly awesome.

    It reminds me of the speech from A Few Good Men where Demi Moore explains why she likes the Marines so much.

  6. Yay! LR fixededed the boo boo. =))
