Thursday, July 15, 2010

Call Of The Wild

June was a devastating month for the Mexican gray wolves.  The alpha male of the Hawks Nest Pack was found shot to death in Eastern Arizona, and the alpha male from the San Mateo Pack was discovered dead in New Mexico.  A third alpha male, from the Paradise Pack, has been missing since April.

In the twelve years of the reintroduction program, 32 wolves have been shot.

More here and here.


  1. There's a huge reward being offered for information about the killings; over $54,000.

  2. The end result of these senseless killings of 2, likely 3, alpha males from a v-e-r-y small and unique population confined to the New Mexico/Arizona border will be two fold:

    1.) The gene pool has now been irreparably damaged for a small population...e.g., there are no outsider alpha males to move in to the pack structures.(As happens in the Yellowstone ecosystem with a much larger population overall.)

    2.) Younger wolves in the packs may very well now become livestock predators, due to the lack of pack discipline enforced by the alpha males and females. All arbitrary culling programs, especially the illegal ones like this, cause more damage than anything they prevent. North American Wolves naturally avoid man and any animals associated with man, as a mechanism of survival, learned over time and passed down through the alpha pack members.

    When listening to a wolf hater talk, wait until they're done regaling you with livestock predation stories, then simply ask how many wolves they have ever even seen, ever?
