Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What Civilization Is Fighting Against

Taliban Hangs Seven Year Old Boy - For Spying


  1. Don't anyone EVER suggest to me that EVERY one of these fucking monsters does not deserve to die.

    Slowly, and in great pain.

  2. Better news, now.

    I just got home from the doctor's office.

    He read the tests I'd already had done, felt my tongue, looked in with a scope, and informed me he sees no evidence of a tumor in either my mouth or throat.

    Thank God for that.

    He does say I am having some issues with gum disease stemming from a tooth that broke a couple of years ago and was never properly dealt with, combined with acid reflux that is causing a constant irritation and actually eroding the throat lining, all exacerbated by the worst year for allergies in a long time.

    He has given me two prescriptions to deal with the gum disease and the acid reflux, so we will see.

    I go back to him in about 6 weeks.

  3. That's wonderful news, Dances!

  4. I'm really happy to hear that news Dances.

  5. Very glad to hear!

  6. Thank goodness, glad you got some positive news, bro!

  7. Glad you have some good news. The other stuff isn't fun, but they will be a lot easier to deal with. And we are here for you.

  8. I am actually a bit sorry I posted my good news on this thread, because it seems to have directed attention from the rage this should have engendered.

    So, a 58 year old man is probably going to live a few more years, while a 7 year old boy has been brutally murdered by a gang of sadistic, sociopathic and sub-human thugs.

  9. It is all a part of the celebration of life, Dances. If I had to give up this almost 54 year old life to save a 7 year old, I would do it. But your situation and his situation are not related. The fact that we celebrate your good news is the same reason we condemn the news of the story. We are happy for you, and we are glad you told us.

