Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Follow the Islamic Way to Save the World

Much to my embarrassment but not my surprise, the future King of Great Britain goes goo lally (again) over a religous cult.


  1. Maybe we will all be lucky and the Queen will outlive this idiot.

  2. yawn.


  3. Soooo... that explains why the Pali's destroyed the greenhouses the settlers left? How DARE we pervert things by using greenhouses and irrigation to force the desert to bloom!

  4. I too hope the Queen outlives Charles. Long live King William! (I like Harry even more. He'll be a good right-hand to William).

    I'm surprised Harry hasn't grabbed dear old dad by the throat and throttled the sh*t out of him.

  5. Charles...proof that in-breeding isn't good for a pedigree. The serial bastard offspring "Royal" lineage of Diana, at least half Scot or Irish, may be what saved William and Harry form idiocy.

  6. Harry's had his own issues, though. The Nazi get-up at the costume party wasn't a particularly good idea.

    He's got style, though. And not what 12 year old girls think = style (petulant metrosexualism).

  7. Yeah, the Nazi thing was stupid; hopefully, he's grown up a bit in the past 5 years!

  8. You know, I'd forgotten about Harry and the Nazi episode. :-L

  9. I take his rantings about as seriously as I would anyone's whose wish is to be reincarnated as Camilla's tampon.

  10. I've often wondered how the royal family would have turned out had Edward VIII not adbicated. He seemed much stronger and more intelligent than his brother, Bernie.

  11. If Edward VIII hadn't abdicated... now there's an interesting thought experiment! Bertie was a paragon of stability compared to him. For one thing, the war would likely have gone VERY differently for England - which would have profoundly affected the rest of the world. He had major Nazi sympathies which is why the rest of the government decided he needed to go and Wallis Simpson was a convenient excuse.

    The government was prepared to resign if he persisted, and that would have caused a lovely mess.

    If England hadn't become Germany North, Elizabeth would have still ended up as queen since he was childless. I doubt he would ever have given up Simpson to marry to produce an heir; he'd had quite a long list of older married mistresses before her with no signs of interest in an "appropriate" lady.

  12. Lyana is correct. Edward V111 was a Nazi sympathiser who was being actively wooed by the Germans and who may have passed on classified information to them. He had to be stopped.


  13. Hmm, well, maybe it was misinformation in Royal Feud but they spin the story differently.

  14. They have still not released the relevent documents concerning the Prince at that time.

  15. Anyway, the book painted Bertie (sorry for the misspelling!) as the weak brother. Evidently neither was as well-suited to rule as Eliz. I (or Eliz.II, Victoria, etc); I guess the Windsor women are the real strength and stability behind the throne.

  16. I guess all have turned in for the night!

    I didn't want to make a separate thread about this so I'm asking any of you that pray to please add my SIL (Tom's sister) Theresa, who has had a recurrence of breast cancer.

    Good night, all, see you tomorrow.

  17. I'm still here florrie, so sorry to hear about Theresa.

    Positive thoughts and prayers going out to her.

  18. Florrie, sorry to hear of your SIL's troubles. I will add my prayers and hopes to Fay's.

  19. I'm sorry to hear about Theresa's recurrence, florrie. We'll keep her close to our hearts and in our prayers.

  20. May I add more prayers here, too, Florrie.

  21. Thank you so much, the support means a lot to both of us.

  22. Oh, florrie! I'm so sorry to hear that. I will keep your SIL in my thoughts.
