Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Atlas Writes

Pamela Geller has seen all the moola Beck is raking in, and now she's written a book of her own.  Check this out.

It seems a little pricey, but what do I know?  John Bolton wrote the forward, and Robert Spencer is the co-author.  Mark Steyn and Brad Thor like it, so I'll probably give it a whirl at some point.


  1. I like the title.

    There are a number of such books (Obama critiques) lately. Why?

    At least in part, for cynical reasons - there is a market for such books. Every president in my memory has gone through an "end of the honeymoon" phase of diminished popularity, and books trashing the president have appeared on the shelves.

    If Obama had turned out to be the kind of moderate, competent, post-racial, post-partisan can do president that (some) of his supporters made him out to be, there would _still_ be books trashing him - fewer, likely, and less lucrative, but they would be written and sold.

    Glenn Reynolds recently linked a book titled "Barack Obama is a whiny little b*tch", which - call me insufficiently partisan - is a level I simply do not wish to stoop to. I can't see what would redeem a book with a title like that, even if it embodies a sentiment which I might, from time to time, agree with.

    And all that said (whew)...

    "Post-American Presidency" is a coinage struck of solid gold. Appropriate, descriptive, concise.

    Obama's dwindling supporters would wear that phrase with pride, actually. "Damn straight, and about time".

    And Obama's detractors will instantly recognize within those three words everything that is wrong with the current administration. If the body of the book documents, defends, and elaborates on the thesis latent in the title, then this is a book that needed to be written.

    There. That's my review of the title. At this rate, no one will dare ask me to review the whole book... ;)

  2. My goodness, lewy! I've never read such an amazing book COVER review! ;))
