Friday, May 21, 2010

More good news...

From the Obama administration. U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade. I think I agree with the Heritage Foundation on this one.
The proposed treaty is opposed by conservative U.S. think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, which said last month that it would not restrict the access of "dictators and terrorists" to arms but would be used to reduce the ability of democracies such as Israel to defend their people.
See my thoughts about Korea below. Or think of Taiwan. Especially when contrasted with the likes of these two...
"The shift in position by the world's biggest arms exporter is a major breakthrough in launching formal negotiations at the United Nations in order to prevent irresponsible arms transfers," Amnesty International and Oxfam International said in a joint statement... However, they said insisting that decisions on the treaty be made by consensus "could fatally weaken a final deal."

I guess I'm a crank this week.

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