Monday, February 8, 2010

Under the guise of privatization, Port of Dover being sold to France

Anyone wanna buy a piece of the White Cliffs of Dover? Comes with free history and oodles of songs!

How odd. Who knew one could purchase what amounts to a part of the English border?
Hope this sale is overturned. Rather outrageous, isn't it? Like someone in the government authorizing the sale of Arizona to Mexico and calling it "Cactus Maintenance Privatization".
Apparently this is the largest public-sector port in England, and a profitable one at that.


  1. At first I thought "The French! They can't sell Dover to the French, FFS!"

    Then I remembered that we Americans are selling OUR ports to the UAE.

    All of a sudden, the French didn't look so bad after all.

  2. Yeah i was going to mention your ports sell off to Dubai. I think its the craziest thing ever all this kind of business. To me it's a part of our sovereignty.

  3. I agree, alison and LadyR. What a thing to let go of. Just nutty, but as we can all see - if there is a bad idea that would entail damage to the UK or the US, our governments are going to proceed with it. With bells on.

  4. I just love that beautiful picture monkeyweather posted. Awesome.
