Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Job

With only 3 days left before the 2010 Winter Olympic Games are set to begin, the biggest story for non-local news stations is snow, or to be precise no snow.

Silly Olympic organizers, they should have known that if anyone knows snow, it would be Jews. Especially Jews in Israel, that hotbed of snow.

/Jews, making your world rock for 5770 years


  1. If you want snow for the Olympics, you should host a Global Warming Convention.
    Always seems to do the trick elsewhere. Guess what's going on in DC right now, as they were scheduled to have a Global Warming Hearing?
    That's right. Blizzard of the Century.

  2. Or they could just move them to PA. I'm about to go out and shovel again, here.

    Only about 2 more inches on top of the 9 we already got Friday/Saturday - but still coming down.

  3. You don't want to know how much additional snow is in my yard and on my car. Dammit.

    I'm WAY over winter at this point. Perhaps I need to go buy a flat of Dasani water, drink it all, and throw it away rather than recycle. Get the temperature up a bit.

  4. There's more snow coming, too. I'm weary to the bone.

    C'mon spring! Please? Pretty please?

  5. There are things, that each of us do which we know are stupid. For me, that thing was actually trying to go to work, this morning.

    I realized it when I was about half way there and had to stop to break the ice off my wiper blades.

    But I went, and left at 1:05 this afternoon, and got home to a completely drifted-in driveway.

    I am tired of winter, too.

  6. "I'm WAY over winter at this point. Perhaps I need to go buy a flat of Dasani water, drink it all, and throw it away rather than recycle. Get the temperature up a bit."

    afw, LMAO!!!

  7. I haven't read the book or seen the movie. I just know very basic things about him. I know I will die before I've had a chance to read all I want to read. And dammit, they just keep writing more and more good books!

    afw, amazon tried to deliver Game Change on Monday but we had our gate closed (you'd think they'd just open it and drive in but NO, that's too much frickin' work). It still hasn't shown up at our PO Box as expected but I'm hoping Tom brings it home tonight.

  8. Oh good! I can't wait to talk about it with SOMEONE!!! :)

    The movie was excellent, florrie. AFG and I watched it together and it was really engaging. Somewhat sanitized, but all in all a pretty good show.

  9. Well, I'll at least get the movie then! Last year I had the book from the library along with 6-7 others but it came due before I had even cracked the cover.

  10. Yes, the movie WAS excellent! RIP, Charlie.

    Has anyone read American History For Patriots? I think that's what it's called....

  11. Sounds good, lady red, I'm adding it to my queue.
