Thursday, February 18, 2010

Plane Crashes Into Office Building In Austin

CNN is covering the incident.  An accident?  An act of domestic terrorism?  Let's wait until all the facts are in.  There's no word yet on casualties.

The NTSB is reporting that the pilot set his own house on fire, climbed into his plane, and then may have intentionally flown it into the building, which contains an IRS office.

UPDATE: Blame it on the teabaggers!


  1. Fox News just announced the name of the pilot: Joseph Andrew Stack.

  2. Big Sis is being briefed, for whatever good that will do.

  3. Here is the alleged suicide note left by Joe Stack.

  4. Or should I say homicide note? I don't know if the sorry SOB managed to kill any innocent people with his stunt. :(

  5. "Big Sis is being briefed, for whatever good that will do."

    Whew. that's a relief!

    It's rumored that she will be asked to comment by Miss Cleo.

  6. So, Big Sis, what do you make of today's incident? What impact could it have on air travel?

    Big Sis:

    Uh, right now that is part of the criminal justice investigation that is ongoing, and uh, I think it would be inappropriate to speculate as to whether or not he was a right-wing wacko tea partier. What we’re focused on is making sure that the air environment remains safe, people are confident when they travel, and one thing I’d to point out is … is that the system worked.

  7. lady red, I love it that Drudge refers to her as Big Sis. It's perfect, eh?

  8. Good thing Mr. Stack didn't live to see this article in the NYT.

    He might have gotten mad. Or something.

  9. "The Left only has mud to sling because they have no truth to stand on."

    And I am sorry to say that this line only brought to mind my former online home.

  10.'ve read my comments about this "contractor" dodge before...all I can say is IT IS ABOUT G-DAMNED TIME!!! Y'all Feds wuz waiting fer WAHT?!

    Until this is fixed, both in IRS and NLRB under lying code, permanently, forget universal health care or any serious tax reform.

  11. Just read Mr Stack's missive. All I will say is his view was distorted. He seemed to think that he could interpet code as he saw fit, not as it was written. I'm no stranger to A-Dog v IRS after 15 years of it ending in 2006, and that more by dint of Congressional changes to the code than anything else. I'd gained nothing personally, but was penalized in accord with the law...even when it was an ass. I hired lawyers and fought the fight, usually out waiting or maneauvering the IRS clerics...also went broek once in the interregnum, but recovered a=for a 3rd time in my life.

    At no time was I inclined to kill mass quantities of other people over the matter, even though from what I just read, my "issues" werea bout 6 times the size of Mr Stack's. He had other problems unrealted to anything civil code related. He didn't get his way and retaliated on people who never knew him for a minute it appears. That's not injustice, it is insanity.

  12. Along a similar vein, I was just acked, by my successor in my old office, my opinion, as an experienced layman, not a lawyer, about violations of the Randolph Sheppard Act of 1936 (Preference for the blind regarding vending in federal properies) and whether the ad hoc snack locations in their offices were in violation of that Act.

    Answer: Yes, they are. Absolutely.

    Why: Money is changing hands...e.g., they are "vending" per se.

    Recommednation: Get an Office of Cousel opinion on the subject and present it to the Commander. Document the snot out of it all to CYA down the road when a scapegoat is looked for, as it will be.

    Observation: Obviously, somebody has already noticed the deliveries of bottled water, pop, soda, and various candies and snacks across the Fed Bldg shipping dock....or the issue would not have come up.

    Prognostication: The powers that be will opt for the "It's not a crime until you are caught red handed" approach. Never mind the law as written.

    Sometimes things are just simple if yu let them be. A Red light is not "pink" or "orange" is red or yellow, and when red it means top. Period.

  13. Are y'all reading the comments on this story on the various papers? The mood sure has shifted over the past few years. Not so much about the victims in that IRS building - maybe some cursory comments expressing condolences, but not many compared with the OTHER kind of comments.

    There is a lot of "I understand why he did this" and "What does the government expect when they drive people over the edge?" types of sentiments. Some "Government officials deserve for the public to turn on them" kinda stuff...

    One commentor on the Daily Mail said
    "Gordon Brown has announced that people who own their own small aircraft will be exempt from paying tax. Instead people who own skateboards will be subject to a higher tax level. If they don't like it they can suicide by skateboarding into a tax office as much as they like, suckers. And you people with rowing boats had better watch out next."

    This and the guy who bulldozed his house to the ground don't bode well for politicians and bankers. I would not be surprised to see some copycat action going on, especially with the destruction of the homes.
