Friday, February 19, 2010


Better watch out that Grandma doesn't turn into an apple addict.

Shamelessly stolen from the good folks at Compare/Contrast.


  1. The Apple cognescenti are otherwise known as "Orchard Tenders."

    That's good if you're a peach farmer, not so much otherwise.

    I'll admit to tempttion, but not yet to sin.

  2. hehehe... borrow/steal away anytime!! And thank you for the linkage love!!

    Aridog... we have a bit in common Sir!! I lived across the Detroit River from you in Windsor, ON for several years... and spent a lot of my formative yound adult life in the nightlife of Detroit! Also, my background - other than my current stint with the Olympics & VANOC - is Defence related (LAV's to be specific)... and it appears my next career path is taking me back into the Defence industry!

  3. ~KC~....can you get me a LAV-25 for use here in freeway traffic? Would be perfect for the I-96 stint Lansing to Detroit.
    Defense is always good....always somebody fighting some's the homo sapien thing.

    My military background involved tracked combat vehicles and I did turn down one job offer long ago from General Dynamics when I found out it involved chasing around the Saudi deserts behind tanks as a civilian (unarmed) technical rep. Dang (Not)...I missed Desert Storm. More "opportunities" popped up later, of course, in Iraq and Afghaniland while I worked as a DA then too old, in my opinion anyway. I'd already earned my tee-shirt, so to speak.

  4. "hehehe... borrow/steal away anytime!! And thank you for the linkage love!!"



    you're welcome!

  5. Oh geez, I laughed my fool ass off at this!

    *confession* I bought a mac two months ago. And I do love it way better than the other laptops I've had.

  6. I agree with you airfrcewife; I really like the Mac OS more so then the PC one, along with other little improvements that the Mac has over the PC, but in NO way am I a ravenous apple guy. Yes, they are good computers, but end of the day as long as I am working on a computer that does what I want I am fine.

    Oh, and good to see you guys.

  7. Thanks for the warm welcome bloggers!

    Airdog... I worked for GD for many many years. Too many for my liking honestly. Until I can confirm my next opportunity (two in the works now, one back in SW Ontario and the other here on the West Coast of BC) - I won't say where I want to end up but I am currently entertaining the strong possibility of going back into the Defence & Aerospace industry once again.

    My counterpart at Compare/Contrast spent time in Afghanistan as part of the USMC... he too has stories. I was always a civi working as a Defence contractor. Sadly, I just don't have the constitution to do combat. This is as close as I'll get... for now.

  8. Good to see you too Old Iron, I love your Dino avatar at Compare/Contrast!

  9. BTW I found you guys via Alison at A Dirty Martini.

  10. Hiya KC and Old Iron.
    Good spoof! :O) Don't know about the rest of you, but my ears are getting tired from the constant barrage of apple announcements. Even worse than the constant announcements though are the never-ending blathers from apple fans.
    ACK! Someone make it stop! :OX

  11. I promise I will do no hosannah singing about my mac.

    Just smile with pleasure as it does what I need without freezing up and being stupid.

  12. I'd actually like to get a Mac, AFW - but I still think it's funny how things like apple products, the whole mac/pc battle, and iphones have gotten people so wound up!
    I mean - this is just stuff you buy and throw away in about 4's funny isn't it? People really get their panties in a twist if they feel their favorite electronics are being knocked.

  13. Well Hello Monkeyweather! Old Iron is the MAC man. I ♥ them too but for now, I work from a PC. For now that is...!
