Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State Of The Union 2010

Let's play HuffPo's drinking game while we watch!  I hope we have enough booze....


  1. After three full days of no internet access (except a few stolen moments at work, today), I was about ready to pop.

    I finally got moved, this weekend, and got the router set up this evening, with lots of config help from Vikram.

  2. I'm glad you're back with us, Sid! Here, have a shot...

  3. Good to see you, Sid. Also good to see you too, Lady Red. Hope things are well with your Mother.

  4. I forgot to say, i have no desire to watch the Messiah read his teleprompter. He's going to freeze spending? Yeah, all but 97% of it. It will save 250 Billion dollars over ten years -- but he is only freezing them for three.

    Besides, we all know it is Bush's fault anyway.

  5. You're not missing anything, Matt. It's the same old crap he's been throwing at us for months. Yada yada yada.

  6. He's throwing tons of money at the middle class and small business. Jobs, jobs, jobs.

  7. He's throwing tons of money at small business before he starts taxing them long tons.

    I heard yesterday that the government is going to start taxing businesses on their receipts -- not on their profits, and this is going to be retroactive to last year.

    And rather than give us more money, why not stop taking it in the first place? I know, novel concept.

  8. Wow, he almost sounds like an evil Republican...

  9. I'm totally not watching.

    And has anyone ever challenged retroactive taxes? Are they even constitutional? Not that I know what part of the constitution that would fall under...

    But it's assholish to the extreme.

  10. He's being booed on climate change. Heh.

  11. He just said we'll double our exports over the next five years. Really. He did.

  12. II wondered where you were, Dances; glad you are settled in finally (and back posting :-)

    I had to take a break from the blah, blah, blah; looking at Startled Jumping Jill was making me queasy.

  13. I'm about to turn this crap OFF. Gawd. I need a barf bag.

  14. Who started this silly thread anyway? :P

  15. "I forgot to say, i have no desire to watch the Messiah read his teleprompter."

    LMAO!! Matt, did you see that he used the teleprompter to speak to 6th graders on Monday? Unbelievable!

    Here's a link with a pic, sorry I don't know how to post a link in comments.

  16. Hey, did you guys know that it's Bush's fault? Obama just said so! Repeatedly! Who could've seen THAT one coming...

  17. Your title picture was perfect, lady red. I watched it long enough to hear that we blame 1) Bush 2)Wall Street 3) The banks

    I also heard how important small businesses are. Hmm, I wonder what the Chamber of Commerce thought of that, seeing as they were shut out of the "jobs summit" after they dared to question Obamacare.

  18. I wonder if the teleprompter says things like *gesture here*

    Or, *make sad face here*

  19. I heard about that. He also needed a telepromter to speak to a meeting of 20 people. This guy can't even talk to 20 people without an intercoursing teleprompter? Give me a break.

    Even liberal pundants are beginning to make fun of him.

  20. AFW, wouldn't it be fun to make substitutions? Instead of *gesture here* we could insert *stick finger up your nose here*.

  21. "intercoursing teleprompter"

    That sounds a little suggestive, eh ladies?

    tee hee

  22. "AFW, wouldn't it be fun to make substitutions? Instead of *gesture here* we could insert *stick finger up your nose here*."

    The effed up part is that he would probably do it. Remember how he has ad-libbed when the teleprompter momentarily failed? Like introducing himself??

  23. LOL, AFW. Did you ever see the robot of Lincoln at Disneyland? It debuted in 1965. I think I last saw it in 1990. It was funny to watch.

    "Four score and seven years ago," (lift right arm and lower it twice)
    "Our Fathers brought forth on this continent" (twist left wrist three times)

    ... and so on. This proves that Obama is a citizen of the US: he grew up in Disneyland!

  24. GWB made me cringe, someone once compared listening to him speak like an anxious parent at their child's first school speech. But BO is just as bad, he's only eloquent with a piece of equipment. Without it he sounds like he's doing seal imitations.


  25. Yes, but GWB knew what he was saying and what he was talking about a great deal more than the Messiah.

  26. Yup.

    And I have in fact seen the Disney Lincoln and he is more animated than the Messiah.

  27. We were at Disney World in December (awesome!) and the animatronics have come a LONG way. They looked seriously creepy - almost lifelike (not quite, though).

    And President Obama gave a big ol' long ass speech. It wasn't true to life, though. No teleprompter.

  28. AFW, did they still have that exhibit called (something along the lines of) "Family of the Future"? IIRC it was something Jetson-ish.

    Never been to the Florida one. Been to Disneyland a bazillion times. Overcrowded these days, so best days to go is rainy days. Everyone in California must be made of sugar.

  29. Nope - didn't see it, monkeyweather! That would have been at Epcot, though.

    I've wanted to go to Disney World since I was a little kid - we've done Disneyland several times, and it's wonderful. But it's not five parks wonderful.

    We went the week after Thanksgiving - slowest week of the year. It was crowded, but the longest wait we had was 20 minutes for It's a Small World. I HATE that ride, but you've got to do it.

  30. Joe Biden is nodding off. I think it's past his bedtime. Zzzzz...

  31. I-can't-believe-he-is-still-droning-on...

  32. Yeah Bush knew what he was saying, but hardly anyone else did. Examples: his two references to the "angel in the whirlwind" and his words "When our founders declared a new order of the ages....they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled".

    Lady R! How's the mommy?

  33. You know, I'm a little deaf, well, a lot actually. So I'm in the study, the TV in the great room. I can't make out words, only tone and inflection. I hear a preacher. Striving by his intonations/incantations to convince. Rather like Jeremiah Wright must have sounded for all those many years.

  34. She's better, monkeyweather! We brought her home today. :)

  35. Thank you, Lady Red, for applying my suggestion.

    I'm so glad your mother is at home, and feeling well.

    And by the way, I like this place.

  36. Oh, yeah it was Epcot. Is that not part of Disneyworld? Here in CA the park is now broken in 2 pieces (and you have to pay for each), but I htought Florida was one big park.
    Anyways, I knew a girl who was the model for the teenager-daughter-of-the-future. They did a clay mold of her face. It would be weird to be immortalized in Disneyland that way. Wonder if it's still there?

    Oh - hehe Matt, I actually really like seeing the Lincoln ;O) Even though it doesn't look terribly real.
    Hey, I heard they have updated Pirates to reflect bits of the movies. My kids went a couple weeks ago. Dunno how I feel about that - the Pirates of the Caribbean ride has been the same since I was a kid :O&

  37. You're welcome, Luther! I like this place too. :)

  38. Obama stopped talking? The atmosphere was cooling off and I had assumed it was just the weather, but it was probably Obama not talking.

  39. Lady Red - I missed that your mom was sick! I'm sorry!

  40. AFW, she had pneumonia, which is pretty scary for someone in their seventies. We're happy to have her out of the hospital and home.

  41. Still not watching.

    I introduced my kids to "Walkin' In Memphis"instead, and they love it.

    Because they have taste. :)

  42. Oh lady red, that is VERY scary! I'm glad she's home!

  43. You gonna dose her up on D3, Lady R?
    I got sick a couple of days ago - woke up in the morning feeling like crud, and I could barely swallow.
    Took 10,000IUs of D3 and by nightfall was totally better. I've tried lesser dosages, but it took longer to get unsick - like 2 days for the flu. Still learning what works with that stuff. Really amazing though. :O)

  44. RadioMattM said: "I heard yesterday that the government is going to start taxing businesses on their receipts -- not on their profits"

    That'd be Nancy Pelosi's Value Added Tax (VAT), without attenuation as in Canada, ...very similar to Michigan's Single Business tax. I once wrote a check for the SBT for $3000 on Losses of $100,000 for that year. Politicans love VATs...taxes owed even if there is zero can you beat that? Plus in certain circumstance workers who buy the products they make will be paying tax on both their incomes and their gross pay..e.g., twice. Or more. Hella deal, it.

    Bet on Pelosi making VAT a cernterpiece sooner than later.

  45. Monkeyweather, if I come anywhere near her with yet another pill bottle, she'll scream and run. The docs have given her enough scrips to drop an elephant!

  46. Hi aridog! Hopefully, Pelosi will be watching events from the comfort of her own living room. California's 8th district just may kick her sorry butt to the gutter.

  47. Goodnight everybody! I have an early class in the morning...see you all tomorrow.

  48. Lady Red...perhaps she loses, but she's already made the proposal to her cohorts, who are salivating at the thought. Don't bet on it dying a quick death. It's not a new idea...we've had one here for 40 odd years...since a VAT is a tax on labor essentially, for labor intensive industries anyway, it's kind of obvious why we're leading the nation in unemployment and under-employment. It ain't just the downsizing of automotive.

    In loss years, with no income to pay from, you pay it out of equity, or go in to debt. Hell of a something when there is no income (profit) from which to pay it. It's the tax that counts right?

  49. Luther: "And by the way, I like this place."

    Me too Luther! Thanks to lady red for making us all feel at home.It was also neat to find out that you are mudmarine, I remember that nick!

  50. aridog:"It's the tax that counts right?"

    In my experience of being a dual citizen of countries that have VAT (UK) and GST (the nomenclature of the Canadian VAT) it encourages the underground economy.

    I have been taken aback on more than a few occassions when the vendors/tradespeople I am dealing with have offered me "tax free" deals for cash. And I don't just mean Bob the handyman from two doors down, I'm talking about legitimate businesses with BB ratings and proper store fronts.

  51. By BB, I mean Better Business Bureau

  52. "neat to find out that you are mudmarine, I remember that nick!"

    Our past in never gone, eh!

    Yep, I 'heart' Lady Red for what she has done. Bravo.

  53. I find it sickening that our so-called representatives could even consider a VAT tax. It's disgraceful, no wonder people are so angry and voting these charlatans out.

  54. Fay, from things Earl has said elsewhere, I gather the Canadian version is attentuated in some manner by tax credits? Don't know how that works exactly. VAT's unquestionably encourage underground cash or cash equivalent transactions. Any tax that is onerous does the same thing.

  55. I watched none of the speech. Not a partisan thing, I actually can't stand listening to virtually any politician. I went to meditation last night instead.

    I found the meta-liveblogging from Instapundit interesting.

    Then I put on CNBC and it was like they were listening to a different speech.

    The bottom line from CNBC - including folks hanging out at Davos - was that they liked the change of tone, focusing on small business and affirming the role of enterprise.

    And they'll believe it when they see it, and they're not holding their breath.

    (Nota bene - yeah, CNBC is not all that, but I find that the CNBC International shows and the pre-market shows are good. Once the market opens, it's all downhill. Go figure.)

    There was some interesting reporting on the "help" for small banks. They will recycle paid-back TARP money into a new program (so it won't be TARP). This will be a hot topic in the next few days I predict.
