Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Never Forget

Today marks the 65th anniversary of the Soviet liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps. Here is a link from Yad Vashem chronicling the Holocaust, 1942-1945.

Although captioned in Polish, these images need no explanation. A warning - they are graphic and devastating.

May Hashem bless Israel and the Jewish people, especially on this day.


  1. Thank you florrie.

    Yes, the photographs of the holocaust are horrendous but I do believe that we should look at them at least once a year. There are not many witnesses left, it is up to us and the future generations to ensure that what happened is remembered and exhibited.

    Lest mankind forgets.

  2. My father was a witness. He is gone now, but I sure remember what he told me.

  3. Thanks, Fay & Matt. I also think it's important to take note of what happened. For years it seemed like a story to me, it was so horrendous. Reading the personalized accounts is what opened my eyes to the reality of the Holocaust. Maybe because it's hard to comprehend 6,000,000 but easy to understand someone's story who managed to live through that hell.

  4. Matt and I went to the Holocaust Exhibition at the British War Museum in London last year. I was emotional at the thought of even going in but held myself together quite well until we came to the exhibit of the shoes. Piles and piles of shoes that had been taken off the feet of the Jews on their way into the gas chambers.
