Sunday, January 24, 2010

News Of My Death Greatly Exaggerated

Whether speaking from the grave, or a cave somewhere, Bin Laden has now claimed the Underwear Bomber, and warned of many more to come.


  1. It is not Bin Laden. I have it on good authority that it is Rich Little.

  2. Guess if we killed off Bin Laden, half of the country and all the rest of the planet would be saying "time to go home now". So they are useful, those occasional Bin Laden messages. I can see why we never quite manage to kill the man though we very easily could.

  3. I have it on good authority that it is Rich Little.
    Matt, you don't REALLY believe in Rich Little, do you? :OD

  4. Not as much as I believe in Santa Claus....

  5. Well, yeah....but everyone knows you don't get any presents if you don't at least SAY you believe in Santa Claus.
    Nothing in it for you to believe in Rich Little. What has he done for you lately?

  6. Frankly, Rich never did anything for me. I generally find impressionists to be over the top. Terry Fator, however, I enjoy. A ventriloquist AND an impressionist wrapped into one package. That's clever.

    I must say, though, that today's stars are too bland to make for effective impressions.

  7. Just makes the "isolated extremist" even that more laughable.

  8. OT - but thanks to whoever put SpouseBuzz on the blogroll. I don't want to miss any of afw's posts.

  9. Hrumpf, isn't any one going to thank who ever turned Sidd's http address into a text over hyperlink???

    Here's a clue, it was ME!

  10. Omigosh! You all spoil me so much! Thank you for that!

    And a quick update on the Feather Weight Challenge - when one of the ladies at the gym heard what I was doing - she pledged as well! AND she's helping me with a diet make-over (which so far has me depressed because I basically can't eat anything I like).

    But - only six weeks. Then I'll keep most of the diet changes and add the foods I can't live without back in.

    And as for OBL - ptttthhhhhhh. Has been. I think at this point our best reaction to anything he does is to make fun of him and talk about how ridiculous and weak he (as a leader) is now. Voltaire was right on this one, I think.

    Oh - that's how I feel about Chavez, too, btw.

  11. "Hrumpf, isn't any one going to thank who ever turned Sidd's http address into a text over hyperlink???"
    I am.

    (You all do not know how hard it was not to capitalize each of those lines as if it was poetry.)

  12. Aww Sidd that wasn't my intention. I was just trying to help...


  13. Fwy, don't feel bad. I AM technically incompetent.

    I wonder when someone will make a program where you can write with a dip nib pen and the computer will misinterpret what you write?

  14. Umm, Fay, that is.


    I feel my old nickname creeping up from behind.

  15. Now stop hrumfing, Fay, or you might stick that way :OP
    Okay, so now you have to give us all text over link lessons! :OD
    It's a pity, isn't it? So many words in the English language we've had to learn, and now we have to learn meaningless combinations of letters and symbols. Not fair. And not even as useful as Chinese!

  16. Sorry, that was uncalled for.
    Actually it was very funny :OD
    Good to see you, DWT! I'd forgotten your old nick and had been wondering where DWT was and why he wasn't here? Well, how nice then! :O)

  17. Hey Sidd, I posted instructions a few days ago, I'll cut and paste them here:

    Hey Sidd, a tip for hyperlinking URL's. After you compose your post, highlight the text you would like to appear as the text over the link.

    For example, if you wanted the link to appear when the reader clicked on "I heard this story" then highlight that text and then click on the "link" icon at the top of the compose box. Then backspace out the http: that appears in the box and paste your link and click ok. The text will automatically appear as the hyperlink.

  18. mw, you can only do it in a post. Can't be done in the comments, that is why we are looking at trying to get a new commenting system that would allow that, and pictures, videos etc.

  19. When pasting URL as Fay described, you might have to use the mouse command. I have been using Safari -- and CTRL+V does not work. It just pastes the RL you copied into the main text window, overwriting whatever it was you had highlighted.

  20. Sorry to see that the option to remove our own comments is no longer available.

    Much of what I wrote above should be gone.

  21. And then it came back. Guess I am just impatient, or tend to go off half-cocked.
