Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Temporary "Recent Comments" workaround

It's awkward because it requires a second browser tab or window, but if you open this link:

in a browser tab or window, you will get "up to the minute second" recent comments.

More detail in the comments but this should help in the meantime.


  1. This is a raw feed; your browser should render it OK. Tested in latest version of Firefox, Safari, and IE. If you have a favorite RSS reader that will work too.

    The RSS (actually an 'Atom' feed to be perfectly tedious) updates instantly (you still need to refresh it though); so the delay problem we're seeing isn't with the raw feed, but with the sidebar "Gadget".

    I tested the default "Feed" gadget that comes with Blogger; it too was interminably delayed. Checking one from Feedburner now...

  2. Safari seems to render the rss feed the best. The Firefox default render is kinda lame. Sry firefoxfanz.

    For example, Safari by default shows the author. No so in Firefox. I'd check IE again but my wife is on the only Windows machine in the house right now.

    Also, in addition to being slow, the existing "recent comments" gadget seems to screw up the links. The RSS feed has them correct - they take you right to the comment.

  3. Good job, lewy, works fine in windows.

  4. Yup, comment is there :-)

  5. Testing in hiccupy, "I hate Flash", serious issues with 7, Firefox...

  6. I have a couple of avenues to try to get the comment feed formatted and into the sidebar. I'll be playing with it, but I'm 90% confident it can be done, and reasonably soon.

    This is excellent learning, I'm happy to do it. (I don't actually know javascript hardly, so like I said, good learning).

    Longer term there's no getting around the fact that the default comment system is pretty thin gruel and we'll need something better.

  7. Lewy, Matt, and Fay, thanks so much for all your hard work! This is so exciting!

  8. Lewy, if you need admin privileges, just holler. :)

  9. Heh, should've checked my email...good luck, Lewy!

  10. I see I got them! Thanks!

    bwa hahahahaha....

  11. Oh Lord, what have I done....


  12. heh, first thing I did, I backed up the template.

    If you need to change the template in the meantime, go ahead... the additions I have will be quick and surgical (when I finish them) because I have a "practice blog" on the side that I'm hacking around in.

  13. No, I'm good. I'll just be sitting here chewing my fingernails to the quick and hyperventilating....:P

    Seriously though, this is awesome. I hope it works!

  14. I just noticed the "label" for this thread. LMAO!

  15. While we're waiting for Vikram, AFW has a great post up on SpouseBuzz. Go AFW!!!! We're so proud of you!!!

  16. Testing to see if it works in FF.

  17. It does!

    Good Morning everyone!

  18. Love the category name - vikram from tech support. HA!

  19. Vikram is still debugging. (I probably could have offshored this job to an actual vikram and been done by now... less fun that way though).

    Not stuck (yet!), just learning some basic stuff.
