Monday, January 25, 2010

Hillary: "Sorry you are dying, but I really HAVE to have that pantsuit"

"I'm ready for my closeup Mr. DeMille! And can you please get a bleeding Haitian in the picture?"

What a mess. Why can't people like her just stay home and let rescue and aid take place?
What on earth good is she going to do there? And sorry, I don't know the woman personally, but I doubt she gives a flying rip about Haitians. They've been starving for years, and what has she done about that?
Oh well, I bet the pantsuit was really gorgeous. But I do wonder: who did her packing and why didn't they just bring along an extra pantsuit if it was so all-fired important??


  1. I am not familiar with the site you linked to mw, but am inclined to take their commentary with a saltmine full of salt after reading this gem:

    "But with the U.S. occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, and funding the Israeli occupation of Palestine, it seems our government knows how to do little else when it comes to international affairs."

    Plus there is zero proof that Clinton "closed" the airport while a new outfit was flown in. I don't consider "according to airport personnel that I spoke to during my recent evacuation from Haiti, she paralyzed the airport later that same day to have a new outfit flown in from the Dominican Republic." this to be a reliable account.

  2. This story has been validated by the Times Online UK. Saw it on Free Republic and followed it.

    Aid officials in Haiti complained of the lack of co-ordination between the UN, the US and aid agencies and were enraged when the airport was closed on Saturday so that Mrs Clinton could visit. “I don’t really know who’s in charge,” said BenoĆ®t Leduc, MSF’s operations manager in the capital.

    As for the man referenced in the original piece, now if someone who is physically on the ground in Haiti right now disagrees with me on Israel's status or the US's foreign policies, I don't necessarily think it follows that they must be blind and deaf and unable to tell if an entire aiport is closed down, or that they (disliking Israel) would then be willing to lie and say the airport has been shut down when it has not.

    This IS what happens when someone like the US president shows up (wouldn't surprise me if Hillary was handled in a similar manner to Obama).
    Security locks down airports and city blocks, etc. Causing that kind of ruckus in a place like Haiti when those airports are needed - that's just ridiculous.

    I've also been reading about some of the money being donated to Haiti.
    The charitable entities that have existed and provided aid IN Haiti for years are being denigrated in favor of UNICEF and the fund created by Bush and Clinton. Don't know as Haiti will see all the money / aid routed through UNICEF.

  3. There is nothing in The Times article that mentions the airport being closed so that a new outfit could be flown in for Clinton.

  4. Nope - just that the airport was closed down Saturday because of her. The other guy had said it closed for hours, reopened, and then closed again for her pants. Either one = not good. Couldn't the woman have come in with the military? And brought pants?
