Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I Wonder If It Comes In Blue?

An early Christmas present for Paul Ryan. Do you think he'll like it?


  1. I cannot believe how many "conservatives" would rather side with Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, rather than Trump. I guess they just can't stomach the idea of someone getting elected and living up to his campaign promises. The RINO's are afraid we might begin to expect that from our politicians,

    1. The "team lines" are being crossed.

      I met a guy the other day - pretty sure he registers as "democrat" and "liberal" on the old scale.

      And yet I was stoked and happy because he was a normal black dude. Not a proud african american.

      You dig?

    2. Meaning: we had a good meeting - of business needs, and of minds - because he wasn't looking for offense. He was looking for common ground.

      We know how ugly and stupid a chip on the shoulder looks on someone else.

    3. Lots of Blexit and Walk Away going on!

      And while we're stuck with the traitors Flake and Ryan, we also have Lindsey Graham. Holy cow, is he BASED or what?!? I never knew he had it in him. Too bad McCain didn't croak sooner. I wonder what he had on Graham? Something, for sure.

    4. Is he about to Blexit?

      I'll take that discussion off to email, because I don't want to reveal too much personal info on him even incidentally. But I think I can make the case that he's more with us than against us, whatever his actual politics (which we didn't discuss - it was a straight business discussion, and a very good one at that; he's a smart guy.
