Thursday, November 2, 2017

What Would Happen If....

If you are a registered Republican or a registered Democrat, does your party actual represent YOU? Unless you own a pharmaceutical company, are a bankster or a Wall Street broker, have a cushy gubbermint/union job (or gubbermint/union retirement check), the answer is: probably not.

So...what would happen if all the cart-pullers registered Independent or Libertarian, and quit financing/supporting the Washington uni-party?

Think about it while I make the popcorn.


  1. While I agree with the premise, you may want to consider the following.

    Even if the membership of the Republican Party is down to 50,000 registered members, the RINO's will still be in a position to write the rules to benefit themselves. If we drop out, the establishment can claim that their policies are becoming more popular with the base percentage wise while they strategically hide how small the base is.

    We need to stay in the Republican Party. Vote for the who will truly represent us while shaming those who are part of the Uniparty.

    If we can make it so that parties, as such, are no longer important, then we can drop out. But right now it would be a case of us walking out and standing out in the rain to say we don't like what is going on inside. They will still be warm and dry while we are cold, wet, and miserable, and in a weaker position to do what we need to do.

    The Dems, and probably much of the GOP, want to control the internet. They want to deny us our voices. They are in a position to do that. We need to stay in the traditional arena enough that we can fight them in that arena. There is little chance of third party or independent candidates to win now.

    1. Both the D and the R want a world where the insiders yell "Jump!" and the rest of us who are still standing scream "how high?" in unison.

      This is beyond obvious by now.

      If we scramble over each other to try to jump the highest, and so maybe have a seat with the shot callers...

      It's not living on your knees, exactly, but is it meaningfully different?

      Making it so that parties, as such, are not important seems to be the only play in the book. They aren't called "Hail Mary's" for no reason, but they do connect from time to time...

    2. I agree that we should stop jumping when they yell jump. They work for us, we don't work for them.

      But one thing that has been mentioned several times over the past few years is the reason that conservatives do not have the same "power" that liberals do is that conservatives have a wide range of concerns whereas liberals tend to have a consensus on what crap they want to cram down our throats. To just abandon the Republican Party, in the case of conservatives, is that we would have even less of a mechanism than we have now.

      I think the past one or two elections conservatives have been getting better at "primarying" (to coin a phrase) RINO's. That is what we need to do. Make the establishment less and less relevant.

  2. While dropping out of any/every political party would certainly be emotionally satisfying, I don't think it would really have the desired effect.

    As Matt said, the fossil Republicans would continue to try to control the rest of us, while also continuing to be closer to Dem policies than to anything even remotely smelling of any form of conservatism.

    For now, the best thing to do is to simply overwhelm them by voting in those WE want to see serve, first in primaries, then the generals.

    The GOP is always about three steps behind the Dems on their way to big government 'utopia' wherein we all are required to keep our leg muscles in top shape in order to jump as they require, while using no part of our intelligence, heart or soul.

    This time, the GOP is catching up, though. They are only about two steps behind on the road to the ash-heap of well-deserved extinction as a political party.

  3. I hear what you guys are saying, but I personally think we are long past the point of "fixing" either party.

    So..."antifa" is planning mass disruption later today. I wonder why they scheduled it for a Saturday, when most working folks are off? If they're spoiling for a fight, they're likely to get one.

    Did you all read about the shooter in WalMart this week? So many shoppers pulled their guns that the police couldn't tell who was the bad guy! Good stuff.

  4. It's not that we are advocating "fixing" either party. It's not even a matter of taking our ball and going home. It is more that we do not want to leave the relics in power with their game, their rules, their ball, and for us to completely drop out and let them do whatever they want without us even there to have a say of any kind. Giving up on the system completely is not revolution -- it is surrender.

    1. Exactly - the more of the fossil GOP that can be removed, the better. Start replacing them with actual conservative believers, and at a certain point, the GOP has no choice but to be a conservative party.

      How are you doing now, Lady Red?

    2. Indeed.

      However well the GOP does, or doesn't do... what matters more?



  5. I'm doing okay, DWT, thanks. Having my mom in a rehab facility has taken a hundred pounds of constant worry off of my shoulders. She's safe and monitored 24/7. Even though I'm up to my ears in extra tasks, I'm feeling...good. Unexpectedly good! :)

    1. Good. You do all you can, then f needed you get help. My Mom is in a care home now, and living in her own little world. As you said, that is a weight off

    2. Glad things are looking up and you are feeling a bit better, Lady Red.
