Monday, October 12, 2015

Mass Immigration

Here is an insightful article that Derb penned about immigration in the United States.
"Population of the British Isles, Britain and Ireland, in 1921: 47.3 million. Population of Mexico in 1921: 13.9 million. So there were only thirty percent as many Mexicans as Brits back then.
Population of the British Isles today: 68.6 million. Population of Mexico: 120.3 million. So today there are 75 percent more Mexicans than Brits. If you throw in the thirty or forty million people of Mexican origin in the U.S.A., it’s over twice as many. There are people alive today who have seen the ratio of Mexicans to Brits go from thirty percent to two hundred percent."

I once was a big supporter of immigration, but that was before I was aware of how crazy it has all gotten. I do not support American citizens financing everything from food stamps to housing to medical care for immigrants. My dad's side of the family are recent immigrants to the US from England, Germany, Sweden, and Norway (late 1800s). Back then, immigrants had to have a sponsor that would guarantee the newcomers wouldn't end up as a burden to society. They acculturated, learned to speak English, and worked their fingers to the bone to make a life in their new country. But they were Christians, and had that in common with the majority of their new Judeo/Christian countrymen. I think this is a huge factor to successful integration, but it's certainly not the only factor.

But we're lucky here, so far. In Germany and other parts of Europe, there is a free-for-all. Muslim immigrants have inundated Germany, demanding ever more handouts from working people. Why Merkel has capitulated to the angry hordes of Allah is beyond me. From here, it looks like national suicide. Nothing good will come of this when fed up Germans stand up to reclaim their land, their culture, and their hard-earned euros.

Here's more interesting reading at VD's place. Do you all think it will come down to a religious war, Christians vs Muslims? Or is it more likely to be Muslims vs. everyone who isn't? We can hope that sanity will prevail and those immigrants who can't acculturate will be shipped home to whatever sh*thole they came from, but I doubt it.


  1. At least the people in som European counties are standing up and doing what their governments won't do. Funny thing is that if people tried that here Obama would then send troops to the border -- not to stop the illegal immigrants, but to fight the Americans trying to protect their country

  2. Very good article by John Derbyshire, lady red, I'm glad you posted it. He hits the nail on the head, as usual. I thought the questions he lists from Peter Brimelow's book - on the 50th anniversary of the Immigration Act - are questions we should all honestly ask ourselves.

    I believe we should 1) have a moratorium on any further immigration until we gain real control over our borders 2) deport all illegal immigrants with felony convictions 3) come up with a good guest worker program for those here illegally who want to stay in the country and work and 4) have a responsible way (no fast-track) for them to gain US citizenship, ensuring they won't be a further burden on taxpayers, hospitals and schools. No more family-reunification. Sorry.

    Honestly, the other linked article - anecdotal, from a friend of a friend - had more than a few statements that were repugnant to me. I doubt it was written by a doctor. And if it was, they shouldn't be a doctor. I don't buy that somehow the German government is repressing reports on the refugee crisis. I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere else and, in this climate of widespread social media, that would be nearly impossible.

    But I agree that we must do something NOW about our illegal immigration crisis.

    1. Doctors are people too, and most of them aren't immune from having opinions that may startle or shock. While doctors may strive to provide life-saving care to each individual patient that crosses their path, they're not blind to the situation around them. I hear many grumbles from medical professionals working in inner city American hospitals that make this doc look tame.

      Florrie, I have no doubt that the German gov't is repressing reports about the refugee crisis. None at all. I see what the American media represses or spins, and projecting that onto the German media is an easy step. They all take their marching orders from the same people. There are many first hand reports, photos, and videos coming out of Germany that tell me a powder keg is building. Nothing good will come of importing hundreds of thousands (millions?) of angry young ME and African men bent on religious and cultural conquest.

    2. I don't believe a doctor would say "we'll never get rid of them.

      We just have to agree to disagree, lady red. There's no way the government can repress events in hospitals with everyone having a cell phone (camera) and social media. You said yourself you see many first-hand reports, photos and videos.

      That doesn't mean I'm in favor of the horde of Syrians (and other MEers) flooding into Europe. In fact, I think we shouldn't take a single one. The EU hasn't helped us with the mass migration from Latin & South America.

      I feel like Dances does.

    3. lady red, I know you read Jim Goad sometimes. He has a new article out on the increasing incidents of rape in Europe by muslim immigrants.

    4. PS, it's very disturbing. But also disturbing are his citations of those in the news reporting or commenting honestly on this phenomenon being called "racist" and even being prosecuted for so-called hate speech. I believe Greg Gutfeld had it right when he said we are experiencing islamophobia phobia.

    5. Good morning florrie! *smooch* Yes, I read Goad's article yesterday. He underlines my point. The news reports labeling ME men "Swedes" when they commit rape or other horrific crimes is worse than spin; it's repression of facts.

      Taki's magazine has great contributors, and I appreciate their voices.

      I think Gutfield has it right. Islamophobia phobia. It's a virulent form of utter insanity, IMO. Or cowardice. It could be that.

    6. Love you, lady red.


    7. Aww...I love you too sweet friend! :)

  3. This "Mass Migration" is no such is clearly an "Invasion" by other means & deception. Just way too many military age men in the mob compared to the women and children...and they very plainly state they do NOT want to assimilate, but to transplant their old culture intact to Europe. Good luck Angela etc....

    1. What sort of "refugees" leave their women & children behind to face the things they claim to be fleeing?
      What sort of "refugees" leave behind phones with videos of themselves undergoing training in managing pain?
      What sort throw away or burn good given them while complaining that food "is only fit for women or dogs"?
      Already in England, "refugees" are somehow armed and shooting at British citizens.
      As Ari says, it is not mass immigration, but an invasion, and they plan to make all of Europe their own

    2. Exactly, Aridog and DWT. I'm completely baffled by the attitude of Euro politicians throwing open their doors to these mobs. It's unfathomable. And insane.

    3. I can assure those here that most of my neighbors do NOT appreciate this mass-migration of younger Syrians...who outright assert they'll not assimilate a bit and just want to go "home"...I presume after someone else cleans up their mess, if even possible. Since my neighbors are mostly Lebanese, Iraqi, etc. and usually Shia' Muslims...there's a problem with the Sunni horde coming to town as far it has not happened. However the Sunni dominated CAIR may try to change that....they speak for no one I know but they still presume to do so. We'll soon see as the Obamster invites more and more to live anywhere except next door to him....oddly he actually thinks he can just take groups of a 1000 or so at a time and insist they stay put where he tells them to go. Good luck, dude.

    4. I'd also ask the Obamster how that "know your place" meme worked out for his ethnicity? Please. What's he gonna call it instead of "Jim Crow"...maybe Juma Ahab? Makes you wonder if the clown really knows much about the USA past & present?

    5. That's a good point, Aridog, I never thought about that aspect of it.

  4. img:""


    1. Now that's a good one...wish I could type the Arabic in to a translator. Can't do so...lost my Arabic keyboard overlay long ago.

  5. lady red, I was just looking at an article in the UK Express that talked about all the things reported in your second link (and more). You were right and it's absolutely ghastly what the German medical workers have endured. The article even talked more in depth about the brutal attack on the medical team who failed to save a deathly sick infant. Here is a link:

    Britain next? Doctor's outrage at 'refugees pushing German hospitals to breaking point'

    1. Maybe the traitor Merkel will rethink her position if one of these "immigrants" gives her (or her loved ones) TB.

      This will not end well. The European townspeople WILL revolt, the medical community WILL refuse to treat the swarming ungrateful masses, the police WILL refuse to protect the invading criminals, scumbags, and riffraff. It will be soon.

      I read yesterday that Austria has sold out of shotguns. Who's buying them? Mostly women.

    2. Merkel's (conservative) party is not supporting her as they had previously, but she still commands a healthy respect among the rest of the (liberal) population.

      Sure, come on in. A million refugees, sure. This is like the rapture for self hating krauts.
