Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Backlash Will Be Fierce

I'm sure you have all been following the ridiculous meltdown over the confederate battle flag, the proposed mutilation of the General Lee (merdi!), and the call to ban Gone With The Wind. Vox Day and his merry band of minions are (and have been) fighting the SJW idiots with a scorched-earth vengeance.
This is insane. Now even Gone With the Wind is under attack. After all, how can Amazon possibly sell a book and movie that shamelessly glorifies the Confederacy? And what about The Dukes of Hazzard? I mean, the car is even named the General Lee!

One thing is clear. We now know what Round Two's banner is going to be. All the SJWs have succeeded in doing is heating up the cultural war while taking one of the more potent historical symbols of the past and making it relevant to tomorrow's rebels.

And this, of course, is why it is ALWAYS a huge mistake to give an SJW so much as a single inch.

"Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start"
- Nicolas Kristof, The New York Times

I expect it probably is a start of something. But not necessarily the start of what he thinks it is.

Now, I have never flown a confederate battle flag, and have never displayed a picture of Jeff Davis in my living room. Like many Americans, my ancestors fought and died on both sides of that gawd-awful conflict. However, I'll be damned if some boot-licking reprehensible toady is going to tell me what I (or my state) can run up the flagpole. DO NOT tread on me. DO NOT DO IT. That is all.



  1. If the SJWs start tearing down southern monuments, things will get hot. Quickly. The tipping point has been reached, IMHO.

    How ridiculous is it that no one complains about Amazon selling Nazi flags and assorted crap, but they cave to all the confederate hysteria? Yep.

    This isn't about a battle flag, folks. It's about power and control.

    1. "This isn't about a battle flag, folks. It's about power and control."

      That's it in a nutshell, lady red.

    2. I have been thinking about the Nazi flag as well. Apple took historic Civil War games off their site because theey had the Confederate flag.

      Truth be told, they may sympathize with the Nazis -- that's why they don't worry about the swastika.

    3. I have been thinking about the Nazi flag as well. Apple took historic Civil War games off their site because theey had the Confederate flag.

      Truth be told, they may sympathize with the Nazis -- that's why they don't worry about the swastika.

    4. I have been thinking about the Nazi flag as well. As Lady Red pointed out, Apple took historic Civil War games off their site because they had the Confederate flag.

      Truth be told, they may sympathize with the Nazis -- that's why they don't worry about the swastika.

      And now the Supreme Court is busy falling into line to make this a country run by the minority, otherwise know as the elites.

    5. And now the Supreme Court is busy falling into line to make this a country run by the minority, otherwise know as the elites.

      It's been that way for some time, I'm pretty sure.

      Except the "elites" of this country once actually believed in its principles, and its culture, and its faith, and were not so removed from common men as to cultivate contempt for them.

    6. "Except the "elites" of this country once actually believed in its principles, and its culture, and its faith, and were not so removed from common men as to cultivate contempt for them.

      I think you hit the nail on the head, lewy.

  2. I had to look up SJW :-)

    Now the various fringe black groups are calling to ban the American flag, kill the slave masters, etc. I thought all the slave masters were gone a long time ago?

    Anyway, I see many of the big retailers can't wait to jump on the bandwagon and publicize the latest banned items. Yes, banning the car from Dukes of Hazard will surely bring about racial harmony. Of course, they will continue to sell all manner of rap music glorifying violence against each other, women or the police. When Tom told me last night that someone was calling for the banning of GWTW, I actually laughed. Do they realize that movie hired many blacks and produced the first black Academy Award winner? Let's just ban American history, or continue what the far-left prog professors are doing - rewrite it. On CNN, Ashley Banfield asked her black co-host why no one has called for bringing down the Jefferson Memorial. Seriously.

    Um, why don't you be the first to call for that, Ashley? You dimwitted liberal cretin.

    Now the race baiters have relabeled the root of the problem from "white privilege" to "white supremacy". Drowned out by all their noise and the white guilt mea culpas, hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth are the victims of that evil killer. Pathetic.

  3. Oh for the love of Pete. Did you guys see THIS?

  4. OMG


  5. When you realize you can spell Gleischaltung without looking it up you know your country has taken a bad turn...

    1. I had to google that one. Perfect lewy. Absolutely perfect.

    2. To be fair I picked it up from Glenn Reynolds - and yeah, it is perfect.

      Spell it just like it sounds, except remember it's e before i, and there's a c between the s and the h. Gleischaltung. Simple!

  6. I've been watching interesting developments in my neck of the woods. Confederate flag rallies have been scheduled...everywhere, it seems like, over the holiday weekend. While I expected a smattering of small gatherings of hillbillies and rabble-rousers, the people who are organizing and planning to attend these rallies are not that; they are professionals, well-educated, people with jobs and families, people who would never have considered it a month ago. Lots of people. Lots and lots. Posting a confederate flag on your FB page could have been career suicide a month ago for health care professionals. Now it seems they just don't care. Are we approaching a tipping point? Who knows.

    1. img:""

    2. The above is "Uncle Jesse" from the show "The Dukes of Hazzard". TV Land cancelled the reruns because of the flag on the top of the General Lee, the hot car we all loved back in the day.

  7. This is now entering the realm of the ludicrous. I'm sure banning that toy car and the comedy program will bring about real racial harmony. Not. In the vacuum created by the self-serving Walmart, Ebay, etc, some enterprising individual will pick up the slack and cash in.

    I can understand taking the flag down from the capitol building but the knee-jerk reaction following is just silly and divisive. Meanwhile, every ethnicity will still have their racists. Ho hum.

    Speech, books, art, movies, whatever...I don't believe in banning. That includes piss Christ and the condom pope.

    1. Well said, florrie. It boggles my mind that so many people are jumping on this band wagon. What is wrong with people?

    2. I think it's because the progressives don't want anyone to be offended (except conservatives, of course!). Like one person complains anonymously about a Christmas creche in a town and they are forced to take it down. Even though the GREAT MAJORITY of people enjoy it - and if not enjoy, it doesn't bother them. I hate it that we are letting single voices dictate our collective lives.
