Sunday, April 5, 2015

Open Thread


  1. That is the perfect message for the day, lady red! Happy Easter to you as well.

    I woke up today with the song Jesus Christ is Risen Today in my head. I love it, we sang a beautiful version of it when I was in the choir.

    Here are a couple funnies for the day:

    Easter Bunny Rap


    Tom requested a rib roast which I will be fixing along with Fay's super Yorkshire pudding recipe. Happy Easter, Passover, or not to all my friends here on TCKT.

    1. That bunny cartoon never fails to make me smile florrie:) We are having the same dinner as you, plus sherry trifle for dessert...yum!

    2. Sherry trifle, mmm.

      I fixed half a carrot cake on Friday night so we still have some of that for dessert. Life is good :-)

  2. Your dinner sounds like ours!

    May everyone have a wonderful Easter and Passover. I get to spend the day with Fay!

  3. We just got back from the Old City which was fantastic as usual. First we visited some friends (from Canada as it happens), and then since the old city is closed ot traffic on festivals, we parked at the Kind David hotel and walked down to the Old City, via the Jewish Quarter. We prayed at the Kotel (the Western Wall) and then walked back via the Arab souk to the old Rabbinate building next to the Great Synagogue to hear Nitsana Darshan Leitner talk about the work of Shurat Hadin, the Israel Law Center. She spoke about their recent win in the NY courts against the PLO, being awarded millions of dollars for victims of Palestinian terror. She spoke about other lawfare fights that they are running. Riveting stuff!

    1. So at seder you said "this year in Jerusalem!" ;) Sorry couldn't resist.

      Hope everyone had a happy Passover and a happy Easter!

    2. I does my heart good to know that organizations like Shurat Hadin are doing such good work. Sounds like you had a interesting day, annie.

    3. Lewy, LOL. But you're more correct than you guess. :) We have that exact conversation every year at the Seder. We always going up to Jerusalem every festival since the 3 main festivals are the pilgrimage festivals mentioned in the Torah. In which case, as you say, why say "next year"? The general reasoning is that the verse means "next year in Jerusalem in the rebuilt Temple". I can just imagine the headlines...

      Our Seder was great! Very noisy with lots of singing and talking as well as earnest discussion of the Exodus story. We finished at 2.30 a.m.!

    4. Florrie, it really was a very interesting talk. The cases themselves that she mentioned were not new to me. They've all been in the news. But explaining how they go about collecting the money in practice was very interesting, and amusing in some cases. Nitsana Darshan Leitner is an amazing, dedicated, energetic woman.

      The hall was packed and they had to to open an upper floor of the auditorium to allow more people to attend.

  4. The Old City now has a little train! It's so cute. :) It goes around the walls as far as I can make out, starting at Jaffa Gate and ending at the Kotel. It's great both for seeing the old city from the outside (the train has an audio-guide) and for avoiding the dozens and dozens of stairs that you need to climb down on the way to the Kotel, and back up (and up and up...) to get out via Jaffa Gate.

    Here's an article in Hebrew, but the accompanying video has some English speaking American tourists: Old City train

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. imgw:""

    1. That is really cute :) Can't wait to ride it! Only 23 more sleeps until Israel!

    2. Yes, I was just going to say that train is so cute! It looks vaguely humanish ;-)

      So exciting that you and Matt are going to Israel, Fay...

    3. It looks like a toy train, like Thomas the Tank Engine :)) I would have loved to have ridden on it but you have to book tickets in advance. One of these days they'll have a proper transport system in place in the Old City. We've waited 2,000 years, I guess we'll just have to be patient a little longer. :P

      Fay, I'm getting so excited to meet you and Matt! It's so close now!

  7. imgw:""

  8. I wish I'd taken a photo of the stall in the shuk displaying a tallit (Jewish prayer shawl) hanging up, and draped around it 2 Christian shawls with crosses. Talk about keeping all our options open! :))

  9. Happy Easter (is that the right terminology?) to all my Christian friends, and Happy Passover to the MoTs. And happy Sunday to everyone else!


  10. For my Christian friends:

    The mantra from the heart sutra:

    gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā

    My translation:

    Give, give, give all, give more still, and awaken to the Word, amen.

    I'm not a sanskrit scholar and I'm not a believing Christian per se, but I thought I'd share that.

  11. It's so nice to see you Annie! I can't wait to see pictures of your visit with Fay and Matt! I'm so excited you would think I was making the journey ensconced inside Fay's suitcase. (Hmmm, it it's a big enough case, I MIGHT fit...) :))

    1. LOL! I would LOVE to see you too Lady Red! If only we could organize a grand TCKT Israel tour!
