Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hey Everybody!

Meet the newest member of the Redhawk family; our rescue dog Molly!

She's such a cuddle bug! Someone abandoned her and her brother in the woods, and one of my patients took them in. Her brother was adopted out, and then Molly adopted me.

I looked at a lot of pictures on the net, and I think she's a doberman, or a doberman mix. We've never had a dog as gentle and loving as Molly! The vet my patient took her to said she's about 11 months old. She already rules the roost around here. When it's time for breakfast she climbs all over us in bed and gives us "Molly slurps". She was very thin when we brought her home, but now she's putting on weight and she loves to run and run when we're outside.

Isn't she pretty? We love her to the moon and back!


Aridog, here is a side view of our Molly:

And here is a pic showing the white blaze on her chest:


  1. Congrats, Lady Red. What a beautiful dog!

    This morning, on my way to work while walking, I encountered a young fox. Red fur, white-tipped tail. I just about took him home, but I remembered that however cute he may be, he's a wild animal, and he's going to grow.

  2. Lady Red.....Molly is beautiful. Mostly Doberman I'm sure from her looks and they are among the sweetest dogs around. Maybe a touch of a walking field trial dog in her, but Doberman characteristics seem predominant, especially in pigmentation, and physique too from what I can see in the photos. A side shot would be more definitive. Honestly, I'd have taken her home too. She just has that look I always look for in a young dog.

    1. When you get a chance, Lady Red, please take another photo of molly from the side. I'd love to see her conformation. It anticipate is will be great given I think she is mostly Doberman with some "hound" mixed in...both have athletic conformation. It is the brindle like marking on her otherwise typical Doberman pigmentation that makes me think that. For what it is worth, most of the Iditarod winners are mixes of Alaskan Sled Dog and Hounds such as Red Bones, Blue Ticks, or Irish Setters. "Houndy" dogs are favored, for outright speed, by many sled racers.

    2. I added two more photos to my post aridog. She's put on considerable weight over the past few weeks, and is really filling out in her chest and ribs. It's hard to tell from the pics, but her legs are nine miles long when she sprawls out, and her paws are huge.

      From what I've read, the white blaze on her chest isn't highly favored in Dobies. I'm pretty sure she has something else mixed in. Also, her brother had the mottled brown/black coloring on his sides and haunches, and although he was a pretty boy he didn't look as much like a Dobie as Molly does. :)

    3. Looking at the side view, and after screenngn a few hundred photos of various breeds, the most likely mix in your neck of the wood is Doberman/Brindle Plott Hound. Off chance it could be a cross with a brindle Treeing Walker coon dog...but my non-genetic guess is Dobe/Plott. Lookie see....


      Brindle Plott Hound

      Puppy - Brindle Plott or Tennessee Walking Coondog

      Brindle Plott Puppy

      No matter how it shakes out, you have a beasutiful dog with great athletic potential...e.g., she will keep you busy and you need to keep her busy. Working dogs need "jobs" even if just play jobs.

    4. Most important now is this one thing: Molly is your dog and she will be your best friend. Forever. It does not matter what superficial features she has or doesn't, she has the athletic build and stature of a working dog, Doberman & Hound. That all that matters now, she's yours and your are hers. She will figure you all out faster than you will her. :-))

    5. Dang...the "Brindle Tennessee Walking Coondog" should have said

      "Tennessee Treeing Coondog" ...aka a Walker Coondog or a Plott Coondog.

    6. She does look like a Plott! Thanks for the information aridog. Today Molly doesn't feel good, and is off her feed. She's drinking water, but turns her nose up at any food. She's still wagging her tail and she followed us around the yard this morning (including picking up my clippers and running off with them, lol). If she's not better by tomorrow I'll take her to the vet.

  3. I don't know much about dogs... but I know a happy dog when I see it.

    Molly is sure one happy dog!

    She knows she's lucky - and she is.

  4. Mildly OT...but still in the animal realm. I watched the Kentucky Derby today, even hough I am not a fan of horse racing, due to the young age they start the horses. It causes considerable tragedy due to the youth. However, to day it was a nice outcome...the favorite "California Chrome" won by a length+ or more in a perfectly run race ... for those who understand it all, "Chrome's " lead change just after the apex of the final turn may have been decisive for at least a half was flawless and ahead of all the others. Race horse on American ovals run the race on the left lead, and the best, if they are "right handed horses", switch at the moment they hit the final straight away. "Chrome didn't wait for that, he was running on right lead coming in to the final straight. Great little horse and a nice mom & pop horse story.

  5. I'm glad you have Molly, lady red. She will have a wonderful like with the redhawks ;-)

  6. Such a pity that so much dog politics can get in the way of 'pure' dog appreciation! All this info sounds a little familiar to some of what I have read about Schipperkes and the national shows that occur here. Both my dogs are tail-less, (not born that way!) because of the 'standard', I asked if my first dog, just a couple of weeks old then, if they would leave her tail insitu, but apparently they took it on day 3 of her life. Such a shame! Now of course this is illegal and Schipperkes are allowed to keep their tails, and such cute little tails they are! The Border Collie is such a gracious and stunning looking animal. Great post!!! Looking for large dog breeds for families Wondering what large dog breeds are good with kids or would be good for apartments Find out here A complete list of large dog breeds
