Saturday, May 10, 2014

Finally. Someone Said It.

Namely, Gavin McInnes. His latest article "A Tailgate Under The Hanging Tree" discusses the simple truth; we have no idea what's going on in the world.

“Da news!” yells a 70-year-old man at the bar around the corner from my office. Then he harrumphs and adds, “Yeah, I LOVE watching da news.” His friend the bartender nods in agreement and replies, “Fuck da fuckin’ news. I like cartoons.” Jon Stewart would pause it here and put his head in his hands so all the upper-middle-class liberals could laugh at these uninformed plebes, but I wasn’t laughing. They’re right. The news is worse than a cartoon and it has less and less to do with informing people. It’s become a strange combination of sports and fashion where you follow trends and root for your team.
Read the whole thing. It's brutal. 


  1. Business models drive journalism.

    Web analytics drive business models.

    Whatever gets "engagement" - page views, comments, shares - is all that matters.

  2. Excellent, thank you lady red.

    Congratulations, you found a murderous despot in Africa. That’s like finding hay in a haystack. Hey!
