Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Hate When I Miss An Important 'Holiday'!

Did an unexplained shudder pass through you at about 3 pm yesterday?

Here's why:

Yep, from yesterday afternoon, until Midnight, December 31st, EVERY dollar spent by the US gov't will be borrowed.

Read the article to see approximately how many dollars that will be.

As I've said before about other things, "read it and weep".


  1. Seen on Google+:


  2. I gave up weeping. Now I just prepare for what's coming down the road.

    Everyone around me is jittery. Health care is already feeling a tremendous impact from the ACA. More chaos will ensue on Oct. 1 when more of this monstrosity comes on line.

    I recommend that everyone stock up on what medicines and supplies they can.

  3. Dances, I hope you don't mind if I post some links here which are only tangentially related... but this seems to be a good post to put them in...

    Check out Seymore Hersh ranting in the Guardian... when even someone like Hersh complains about the pro-Obama bias in the media - hey, it's not even "liberal" bias anymore, but a flat out cult of personality around Preezy B - you know it's real.

    "The Bush era, I felt it was much easier to be critical than it is [of] Obama. Much more difficult in the Obama era."

  4. Fine with me, Lewy. What Hersh says is the reason I currently look much more to foreign media than to US propaganda sources

    1. This is a terrifying world where Seymore Hersh and Glenn Greenwald are making sense.

      I'll grant Hersh this much - despite the crap he gave Bush, it seems he does have some sense of being an American. He could so easily simply go all in with those carrying water for Obama.

      Greenwald, not so much. I don't believe he's an outraged patriot. I believe he's fundamentally antagonistic to the United States and simply sees a golden opportunity.

      Nonetheless: Bruce Schneier is a very respected cryptographer and security consultant, whom I've been reading on and off for almost two decades.

      Here he's talking about his work with Greenwald.

    2. Well crap, Greenwald went and said something reasonable and not reflexively anti-American.


      "But I think it's also very important to keep in mind that whenever governments, be it the U.S. government or the Brazilian government or anybody else, starts talking about regulating the internet, even when they tell you it's designed to protect your privacy from the American government . There is also the danger that the Brazilian government or any other government or international institution will want to simply replace the United States as the entity that is monitoring your communications."
