Thursday, August 15, 2013

Who needs drugs when you've got time-lapse nature videos?

  • Turn on Full Screen.
  • Turn on HD resolution (the little gear widget on the lower right of the screen.)
  • Adjust the volume of the thumping electronic trance music to taste (e.g. off).
  • Be amazed!
(There's a whole mess of these out there by this poster.)


  1. The clouds are mesmerizing...they ebb and flow like the tide. In some shots, they appear to be on a "slow-boil" as the warm air rises.

    The time-lapse star shots are beautiful too, and so Van Gogh-ish. This is a real treat lewy! Thank you!

  2. Was all of the footage taken at one location, or various locations?

  3. It looks to me like a few distinct locations, maybe close to each other... like I said, this is one of a whole series of these kinds of videos. I'm subscribed to the guy's youtube channel.

    I think it would be interesting to remix these videos with other music genres - e.g. classical, or jazz.

    Glad you liked!

  4. But, WAIT! Now you can have, Drugs, Time-Lapse nature photography AND repetitive new-age electronic music, ALL for one low price!

    Actually, I loved the pictures, semi-enjoyed the music, and only use prescription drugs, now, sigh
