Friday, July 12, 2013

Mommie Dearest

H/T David Thompson


  1. LMAO florrie!

    What scares me is that she kinda looks like my mother and the kids slightly resemble my sister and me.

    Hmmm...hope this doesn't trigger repressed memories, LOL!

  2. Mom's technique is awesome.

    First, she's got almost no distance. She's not throwing very far.

    Second - amazing discipline - she very carefully sets up and looks at the spot she's aiming at. Point is, she never looks at her daughter. She's really good at hitting whatever she focuses on - so she never focuses on her daughter, and so doesn't hit her.

    All in all it's actually much less risky than it looks - which is of course the idea. Biggest risk is from a bouncing knife, which you see almost happen.

    She probably put in quite a few hours with a chalk outline. Hardest part is to not look at your child as you throw the knife - that takes some real understanding and then some intense discipline.

  3. And to prove my point:


  4. Fay, here's some Engrish to get your mind off the similarities with the Knife-Throwing Mum.


    1. I am shamed and embarrassed by that ad. I hope anyone who used this guys 'services' won their lawsuit

    2. LOL florrie, speak I better more English than can teacher!

  5. I was wondering where you got the old home movie from! I know I had never seen it before.

  6. Eek!!! I wonder if the little girls grew up to be a bit...twitchy...

    The resemblance is rather hair-raising Fay! lol
