Friday, July 12, 2013

Zimmerman Trial - It's Worse Than You Think

Perhaps I'm becoming paranoid in my old age, but Judicial Watch has published an article detailing how the US Department Of 'Justice' helped to organize demonstrations against George Zimmerman.

Assuming that there are still one or two lawyers in the DOJ who know just how far outside the scope of their organization such things are, one has to wonder just what the purpose of this action was.

Realizing that our current 'president' really is not competent for anything more than a 'community organizer' (spelled r-a-b-b-l-e  r--o-u-s-e-r) role, then what does he hope to accomplish?

The only possible outcome I can see from this is violence.

Race riots, rape, murder, arson, and all the usual atrocities responded to with force by those who are the targets.

Well, and what then, does any self-respecting, anti-American, anti-Constitutionalist do?

He declares martial law.

He clamps down on 'treasonous' speech.

He confiscates firearms from those foolish enough to have registered them.

And, as soon as the first citizen actually defends him or herself, NDAA goes into effect, and the whole of the US becomes a 'combat zone' with infinite detention, no Habeus Corpus, and no recourse except open rebellion against a government that has finally shown itself to be as tyrannical as any in history.

Hunker down and hold on, folks - it is only going to get worse from here.


  1. Dances, I don't think that's going to happen.

    My vision of the future is pretty dystopic - but - the horror will not be how wrenching and disruptive the complete loss of freedom will be.

    The horror will be how smooth and seamless and unchallenged the complete loss of freedom will be. No drama, no crackdown, just a willing embrace of an idle and distracted subsistence; an inexorable discarding of aspirations and dignity.

    For people with the capacity and desire to do things - and the elites will always need such people - being fully human will be incompatible with living under the kinds of restrictions and boundaries that will be imposed on the truly useful. But we have the technology now to change the definition of "fully human".

    So I doubt you can outdo me on the paranoia front - but no, I don't think it will go down like you think it might.

    1. What will it even mean to be human in the future? link.

    2. Pfft, I don't really care at this point in my life. AI has been around soooooooo long and we are still here. Plus all the previous "visions" of the future have been so out of whack I cannot take the predictions seriously.

      All I want now is to be able to live a comfortable existence before I die, using the money I've earned and saved to pay my way, give to the charities I believe in, and to make sure that the people I love and care about are okay. If that sounds selfish, I'm sorry. I'll still be paying my fare share of income and sales taxes until the day I die so the less fortunate than me can avail themselves of tax payer (government) assistance.

  2. We are getting prepared for any emergency, like lady red has. We just want to get to retirement (2017) and then do basically what Fay talked about.

  3. We're trying to cover all bases. We're preparing for retirement too, but will be able to ride out a prolonged "civil unrest" if it comes to that.

    What lewy describes has already been happening in incremental stages. The pieces are nearly in place for what DWT is talking about. Noah and I think that a sudden declaration of martial law is likely; whether it's sparked by the Zimmerman thing boiling over or some other government-contrived civil "emergency".

  4. I predict that the NBP and the gov't-incited mobs will riot NO MATTER WHAT THE VERDICT is.

    I mean, they're all dressed up and ready for the dance. They're not gonna lay down their clubs, bic lighters, and placards and peacefully go home.

  5. Replies
    1. It's the New Black Panthers florrie. They've been flexing their muscles and shooting off their mouths. They're a disgusting bunch.

  6. Thanks, lr, I know they have a bounty on Zim's head. Nice bunch of racist terrorists. I'm glad Holder is not letting them get away with this.

    Oh wait...

  7. Replies
    1. Courts need to bring back the concept of 'fighting words'. Wherein the antagonist who uses foul, insulting language is liable for any results.

    2. Sounds good to me, Dances. I'm sick of all the foul-mouthed insults and the way people talk to each other.

  8. Not guilty. I sure didn't see that one coming.
