Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Sacrificial Thread

I hope someone can move this to the comment I made on the 'Dangerous Sequestration Soap Opera'

Actually, the cartoonist estimated the reduction at even less than another columnist did, so. . .


  1. Did not realize it would be 'auto-shrunk' to illegibility.

  2. But you can click on it to read it.

  3. I just imbigified it a little DWT. It's one of Ramirez's best!

  4. I'm really frustrated with the U.S. press on this issue. Try as I might, I simply cannot find any authoritative statement of how much will be cut, where cuts will hit, and how big the cuts are. Statements vary wildly and are not trustworthy.

    We're being told we may be furloughed for 2 days a month with a pay cut. I can't decide if this is a threat or a promise.

    1. You're last paragraph is 124 character - a perfect tweet!

  5. "Too many Tweets makes one a twat" -

    British PM Cameron

    1. Can't argue with that!

      But I'd say the 140 character tweet is now a legitimate form of literary composition. Not up there with the sonnet, mind you, but still, good tweets are their own kind of pithy, so there's something to it.

  6. Just saw another article on the sequestration that specifies that the cuts for this year are only half of the total shown in the cartoon above.

    In other words, 44 billion, or 1.2% of projected federal spending. Considering that 17.6 billion of that would be borrowed, don't you think that someone would come up with some damned cuts the DO NOT do the damage that 0bama is whining about?

    They gave that useless hack the option to say where the cuts were coming and he has selected, purposely, the most visible, and worst, places to reduce spending.

    1. Dances, my understanding is that the damage inflicted by the cuts has to do with their timing and modality.

      For instance, most people can stand to lose five pounds, but if it's five pounds cut out in five minutes, with a knife, into muscle, it will in fact leave us quite diminished.

      So it's quite possible the cuts will in fact hurt.

      And I trust the current American President to act in a way which maximizes the pain.

      This is what Woodward calls "madness" - that he has never seen, regardless of the personalities involved, the American President acting so destructively.
