Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Opinionated Wisdom

I hope all my old friends here will enjoy my new blog, Opinionated Wisdom.  It's not what you would expect from me, I think, but I hope you enjoy it.

I apologize for my recent absence of some weeks; things have been hopping here in Pakistan.


  1. I like the format - these kinds of short, pithy posts can go viral easily.

    Are you scanning opinions directly and posting one which strike you as as funny or interesting? "Curation" is big with social media right now.

  2. What an interesting concept Jourdan! I enjoyed the judicial quips, and am looking forward to more.

    I didn't know that you were in Pakistan these days. I'd love to hear your take on the whole Kerry/Hagel thing, and how it will affect your mission (if at all).

    Lewy, "curation" applied to social media, especially Twitter, is a great descriptive word. :)

  3. I'm not sure who will read it, but I'm having fun with it! I'm simply catching funny/odd stuff from cases that strike me as possibly interesting from the case notes I see.

    Yes, I am in Islamabad. Whenever I think I have it bad, I think about my colleagues a few miles away in Peshawar who are living in the consulate due to security concerns. At least I have a house!

  4. Kevin, I found the couple of posts I read to be interesting and humorous - which is why I put it into our sidebar.
