Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fight Of The Century - Keynes vs Hayek

OK, ok it sounds dry and boring. . .

But it's not what you expect - especially the ending.


  1. I was kinda grooving to the tune. I enjoyed that.

    The end reminded me of the US vs. USSR basketball game in the 1972 Olympics.

  2. I usually don't care for this style of music, but this video is exceptional. I even found myself bobbing my head and tapping my toe.

    I'm sending this vid to two people; a liberal professor and friend who teaches economics Krugman-style (and with whom I've had many a lively and enjoyable debate), and my current philosophy professor who is a dedicated and involved educator.

    I believe both will appreciate the mastery of this video, and its potential value as a teaching tool.

  3. I ran into this a while ago but I didn't post it because I thought people wouldn't be into it...

    ...I like (some) hip hop but the hiphopization of everything is, as a meme, getting a bit tired.

    That said, this particular instance is awesome.

  4. Yeah I like this and the first video by them as well. They really succinctly sum up the two opposing views about economics.
