Thursday, May 10, 2012

Relax Comrades! It's ALL Good!


We've become a nation of lazy, uneducated sheep. The progressives have been slowly inserting their poison-tipped knife into our society for generations and now they are twisting. We have allowed them to create an America of dependent, sick, unmotivated, brainless idiots. Their tentacles have slithered into every aspect of our lives.

Out of work? The left has a fix for that...Obama bucks! Show up at your local Big Brother unemployment office, and they'll cut you a check IF you don't go back to work. It's almost as much as you were making anyway, and there's a bonus: you don't have to get up in the morning! Sweeeet. And wait! There's more!

This nation created "food stamps" to insure that no family goes hungry during a temporary setback. However, the entire program has been hijacked, and has morphed into something hideous. The use of food stamps, or SNAP cards are they are now known, has exploded under Obama. With this nifty little program, people who are sedentary because they're not working can buy candy, soda pop, and potato chips. It's great, because now your UE bucks can be spent on tobacco, booze, and a big screen TV. Many pack on the pounds. Of course they do! When people pack on the pounds, their health ends up in the toilet. Diabetes. Blood pressure through the roof. Glopped up arteries and heart disease. What to do? The libs have you covered! Go to the emergency department of your struggling local hospital, where health care is free to those who have no insurance! The nurses and doctors are required to treat you, repeatedly, as your condition deteriorates. The docs are required to give you pain meds for every boo-boo, so now you're hooked on costly pills (costly to the handful of taxpayers supporting this insanity) as well as being obese and sick. you're dependent on THEM for your snacks, your rent, your ciggies and beer, and your health care. Throw in a free cell phone and a rent/utility subsidy, and the dependence is complete. You are sick, coughing, hooked on booze and pain killers, as big around as an electric car, and will probably croak without the benevolent helping hand of your socialist controllers.

Because, you see, your obesity is not YOUR fault. It's not a personal responsibility at all. The Government will come to your "rescue" by requiring eviiil corporations, your local elementary school, and the folks who put on the annual VFW picnic to take charge of your health.'re too stupid.
Today's recommendations from the prestigious Institute of Medicine, signal a sea change in how we perceive obesity. No longer a question of individual responsibility, but a need to change what's called an "obesity-promoting environment." Calling on corporations, government and individuals to act.
Among the panel's recommendations, requiring at least 60 minutes a day of physical activity in schools. Public and workplace policies that encourage people of all ages to exercise more. Industry-wide guidelines on marketing food to children, including healthier choices for kids in restaurants and having healthy food available at all public events.
With the cost of treating obesity-related illnesses approaching $200 billion a year, many on the panel say the nation is ready to act.


  1. And because you are too stupid, the government will even vote for you....

  2. Yep! It feels like a giant boot is descending on our heads. Our congress is a joke. The "president" has been ruling by executive decision with little restraint. I've never seen such a mess!

  3. You look at the people in poor condition - and where I live downtown you see a bunch of them - and you wonder what happened to our culture...

    ..whatever the problem is, though, "more statism" is not the answer.

    Now. Somewhat related, perhaps.


    tap tap tap... this thing on? Check. Ok.



    Thank you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Great symbolism there, whot! Faux-mother dyke LBGT figure nurses the getting older "America" on a dry teat. No nourishment, but reinforced dependence for a sense of security.

      This is Peter Max or Heinz Edlemann if they did still photos. Anyone remember ...

      ... So we sailed on to the sun
      Till we found a sea of green
      And we lived beneath the waves
      In our yellow submarine

      We all live in a yellow submarine
      Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
      We all live in a yellow submarine
      Yellow submarine, yellow submarine ...

      Bwahahahahaha. img:""

  4. WHAT THE HELL, PEOPLE!! [Redux} :D


  5. Great writing as always, lady red.

    Forward, comrades!

    (And I'll see your pair of WTH teats and raise you a rainbow-haloed JEM...

    1. Consider yourself "called" on that bet .... :D

