Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Florrie!

A blessed Birthday to our darling florrie! Spring flowers are blooming:


Lenny's in the kitchen preparing dinner...


Let's stop and have a cup of tea, and a piece of cake


Then we'll all listen while Jimmy plays Happy Birthay!


Many many many Happy Returns darling florrie, we love you!


  1. Oh my goodness, I think that's the nicest "card" I've ever seen. It's all my favorite things and that teapot and petits fours are amazing. The flowers are even incorporated in the throw!

    Lenny and Jimmy, ooh that picture of Lenny, is it hot in here or is it just me?!?

    Thank you, Fay, I'm so grateful for my online friends. Hugs and's good to be 29...

  2. Now I'm all verklempt over that thoughtful post...


  3. lady red out-of-townMarch 19, 2012 at 6:56 AM

    Happy happy Birthday Florrie! Woo hoo! Party time! It's not EVERY year a girl turns 29! Oh wait...

    Noah and I wish you a wonderful day, full of joy and happiness. We love you!

    Fay, the card is lovely, and really captures our cherished Florrie. :)

  4. A very lovely birthday for a very lovely person!

  5. Happy Birthday, Florrie! You are awesome. AWESOME! You deserve a day filled with all the best things. Of course, cake is one of those things.

  6. A Glorious Birthday to you Ms Floranista! I hope it is a wonderful day for you and that there are many more to come.

    And great job on the card, Fay!

  7. Dang these time differences! Happy belated birthday Florrie! I hope your birthday was as glorious as this fabulous card. I wish you many happy returns always in good health and happiness with your dear Tom and all the family and friends.

    And yeah, you're not the only one feeling hot here. :-). It's being 29 that does it. :-D

  8. Yay florrie! Happy birthday! Fay got you your favorite kind of cake! Chocolate Beefcake... ;)

  9. It's not belated, annie, I've still got a good 5+ hours to be showered with gifts!!!

    Thank you all for the nice birthday wishes. It's been my kind of a day, laid back and relaxing, with chocolate and beefcake, like lewy said ;-)

  10. Happy Birthday dear florrie. Wishing you many, many more - ad meah v'esrim (till 120)!

  11. Thank you, joem! It's so good to see you!

    I just brought Tom over to see this beautiful card Fay made me.

    It's been a lovely day.

  12. Hmmm... if my math is right (subtract the square root of pi, carry the 1, divide by i) it's still your birthday on the left coast, florrie. Hope it's been a good one. Happy 29th!

  13. lol, yes, it is!! Right under the wire :-)

    Thanks, Alphie, I'm glad to see you too...

    I'm babysitting my birthday thread but their majesties are telling me it's time for bed.

    Good night, you all! xoxoxoxo

  14. Happy b-day Florrie! Best to you!


  15. Thanks, Jourdan, it was a thoroughly enjoyable day!
