Friday, March 16, 2012

Dead Europe is Doomed

If America is the West's last hope, and Europe is doomed, then why is there active dissent and resistance to modern leftist rule there and not here? Why is this Frenchwoman allowed to speak the overwhelmingly obvious, especially regarding our schools, when the topic is not even allowed to be discussed in public in the "Land of the Free"?

The moment has come to tell all French people the meaning of my candidacy. Chairman of a political party, a woman, mother of three, I fight. I fight against everything in the Republic that harms France today, everything that weakens France today, and I defend the vision of the France that I love.

I am a French citizen but I am also a mother. Like all mothers I would like my family to live in security, and for children to be able to return home at night without fear of muggings, beatings, or trafficking of all sorts. Like all mothers I worry about my children and for all mothers I want to restore peace and order in our country. But I see that this is not the case, and that we are on the wrong track. I find it shameful that both Left and Right, in power for decades lie openly on this topic. The number of criminal attacks has only gone up, the number of immigrants implicated in these attacks has been going up constantly! On this issue, lies are everywhere, they have become the last rampart of politicians to protect them from a reality that is often unbreathable for the inhabitants of big cities, but also for the countryside. A trip to the ER of any French hospital would allow the blind and deaf who rule us to realize the truth for themselves.

As a mother, I hope, as do all French mothers, that my children have a successful life. I ask the schools to transmit to them the knowledge accumulated by the brilliant generations that preceded us, and the desire to be themselves, hence different from others. I don't want a leveling to the lowest common denominator, I don't want political correctness in our secondary schools to impose a dictatorship by the lowest achievers or the most violent. I don't want a school that abolishes grades because it refuses to look the truth in the face and balks at fighting the dramatic lowering of academic standards. I don't want a school system that passes only those with a certain level of wealth. Is this the social justice that we want? To hire 60,000 new teachers in order to improve education is an absurdity. Do we really need 60,000 more teachers - depressed, disgusted, incapable of commanding obedience from the children? Our teachers suffer from an ill that our society has tolerated for too long: the refusal to use any authority on certain pupils. No material or human investment can repair the damage done to a society that yields permanently to undisciplined individuals and violent minorities. (…) They say I am fiercely anti-immigration. It's true. They dare to say I am xenophobic and racist. Nothing could be further from the truth of my life. I simply say that I totally refuse immigrants who themselves refuse the authority of French law and French culture. French civilization is a splendid alchemy of our art, our laws, our literature, of our fundamental rights, dearly acquired, of our beliefs, our values, our traditions, our habits, our mores, our code, our life-style. And now we must turn the page…

-- Front National's presidential candidate, Marine LePen, annoucing her candidacy.

She currently sits 3rd in French polls, at 16%, to the Socialist and Gualist leaders, both at 28%.


  1. I don't follow French politics closely, but it seems like much of the native populace is fed up with onslaught of immigration and the subsequent lack of enculturation.

    They've allowed it to go on for so long that now there are no easy answers. Kicking all non-citizens off the dole would be a good start. Reclaiming their schools and their culture would be another good start.

    This election will be interesting to watch.

  2. Oops. Strike "like" and insert "as if".

  3. Mildly OT ... since it's about Canada .... just had to post this image as it cracked me up. Having a weird day today :D


  4. Yeah, but third with 16% when the leaders both have 28%?

    Maybe she can come one strong.

  5. Marine Le Pen is an interesting candidate. Not sure I'm ion favor of all of her positions, but that would apply to most any political candidate anywhere. I like her no bones commentary.

    I particularly like her stance of imposing a Glass–Steagall Act provision on banks, where commerical banking is segregated from investment banking. (Lewy may have a different opinion, and he knows more than I do about it ... I just don't like the idea of the combination). I most definitely agree with her immigration and citizenship stances, especially considering the relatively small size of France per se....I favor them for the USA as well. dual citizenship should be a legal oxymoron in all but exceptional existential threat instances, such as that born by Israeli citizens for example.

    Wikipedia seems to have a decent summary of Marine Le Pen. Read it to see her other positions, note the opposition to French Republic funded mosques (who knew?) as well as foreign funding for same. Islam is both a strident religious and an aggressive political movement, and one that has not gone through any reformation and appears unlikely to do so very soon....until now promoted by radicals generally, not the mild folk I live among in my neighborhood. France seems to have a wholly radical un-assimilated segment of Muslims, perhaps partially caused by the French, but none the less an existential threat to France now.

    Ms Le Pen is an interesting woman, to be sure.
