Thursday, February 2, 2012

Leon Panetta

Is he insane?


  1. Were you referring to one or more particular comments or actions of his, or did you want a general medical diagnosis florrie? :p

    Because while I don't think he's clinically insane he certainly misjudges situations such as The Middle East.

  2. I think both, annie.

    A few days ago he said the US would be getting out of Afghanistan earlier than expected.

    Then today he made the comments about Israel attacking Iran and giving a timetable! I was actually flabbergasted. I just didn't have the words to express myself, I still don't.

    Good heavens, stay safe, annie.

    1. To be fair, he didn't give an exact timetable. I don't anyone, including the Israelis, have an exact timeframe. He was probably guesstimating what Israel will do - much like the erst of the world. Of course, none of that detracts from his stupid statements about Israel etc.

      However I also think those statements are more to do with realpolitik than real hostility to Israel. He has been trying to dissuade Israel from attacking Iran, which is why he was warning about Israel's increasing isolation. When he saw that didn't deter Israel, he's now started talking about when, not if, Israel will attack, possibly to get the rest of the world and the UN united in strong sanctions.

      At least that is my optimistic hope. The other option is that he is indeed insane. :p

      I can't comment about Afghanistan because i don't know enough about it, but if he's blabbing about the US withdrawing from there, all he is doing is giving the Taliban a morale-boost. What an idiot.

    2. Thanks for your take on it annie. Hubris and insanity, that's a bad mixture for Mr. Panetta.

      I guess it's really nice to be able to dissuade Israel from protecting herself while he's safe and sound in his snuggie, thousands of miles away, and has nothing to lose. As with Holder and Biden, there would have to be video evidence a la Weiner of indiscretions before this administration would even consider replacing these bozos.

  3. I did look at your blog shortly after I heard about this to see if you had posted about it. I'm sorry we have such loose-lipped fools in positions of great consequence.

  4. I did notice that Petraeus had to "walk back" Panetta's comments about withdrawal.

    On the other hand, I've heard serious commentators claim that there is damned little we can actually accomplish in Afghanistan anymore. (I realize Michael Yon is something of a polarizing figure but I listen to what he has to say).

    Personally I can't say I've been terribly upset at at least one strategy Obama has pursued, which is more agressive drone attacks on terrorists in Pakistan. Inevitably however this would piss off Pakistan and it doesn't seem like Obama had a plan for that inevitability (surprise!)

    1. Nothing Obama does should surprise anyone. When you have someone who has no idea what he is doing (or intentionally is trying to do as much damage as possible), there is no telling the stupid things that will happen.

  5. I have nothing good to say about Michael Yon's current incarnation, so I will leave that. But really, for a long time I've thought that our best strategy in AFG is to have a few small bases from which we can level terrorist bases when they pop up.

    The terrorists aren't going to leave AFG, because it's too easy for them there. There's no oversight, the locals are approving, and it's hard to find them. We can't leave entirely, but there's something to be said for playing Whack-A-Mole.

    1. Naturally, I read that as:

      The terrorist aren't going to leave Air Force Guy...


  6. It's simple: this administration is full of blabber mouth idiots. Oral diarrhea must be endemic therein. From the Osama raid, to the rescue of the folks in Somalia, to this idiot set of remarks. All that is necessary, from a political standpoint, is to say something has been done (because it will be in the news anyway) and then STFU. No credit taking, no posing, no nothing. STFU. Is that hard? Apparently so for this CinC and his minions. No good can come from providing details, any details. Panetta's comments about Iran/Israel are beyond absurd, since they're predictive in nature. In other words, guesswork for political domestic political purposes only.

    God forbid anyone actually advance brief Panetta, or the JEM, anything concrete ... you might read about it in the WaPo or NYT before anything goes down. For the special operators out there it should be scary. Makes me want to puke.

    I tend to agree with AFW's "whack-a-mole" theory ... in fact I think I've said as much previously.

  7. This is a test, to see if I am once again able to comment in IE.
