Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Homemade Winter Minestrone and Cheese Biscuits. It's what's for dinner. Yummylicious.


  1. Mmmm, looks yummy, I love zuppa.

    We just finished something along those lines as well. Southwestern sirloin tip chili and bacon-cheddar cornmeal muffins.

    Life is good.

    (now if only there wasn't 2' of snow outside our doors)

    1. Sounds yummy florrie. I hear ya about the snow, I hate snow. Luckily we "only" have about six inches not two feet :D

  2. 2 feet of snow? Okay florrie, I'm putting the boys on the first flight out of EWR tomorrow morning. They've been waiting for snow, and we haven't had much more than a few flurries so far. Just feed them a couple times each day and throw their snow gear in the dryer at night. We'll get my brother to fly them back here in a week or two.

    (we actually did get a good snowfall, but that was back in October so it doesn't count- we really weren't ready for it then)

  3. So Fay... you are going to tell us *how* to make the biscuits and soup, right?

    : )

    1. Well alphie, like almost every recipe I use, I make changes. The minestrone is a variation of this recipe..I used bacon instead of pancetta, spinach instead of swiss chard (but I added it right at the end), chicken stock instead of beef plus I added some zuchinni and a can of black beans (also made the a puree with some of those like she does with the white ones).

  4. And the cheese biscuit recipe is here. I usually just make half the batch as that is wnough for the two of us. Plus I use a cutter instead of making one large round.

    Bon Appetit!

  5. This is right outside our living room sliding door today.


    Alphie, your boys would have liked it Monday night, it was soft then. I even lobbed a few snowballs at Tom after he took me to the grocery store.

    Now it's hard as rock. Ugh. I'm with Fay, I don't like it either.

  6. Plus, a neighbor's fir dropped a branch and took out a section of our chain link fence. That'll cost a few $$$.

  7. Oh Fay, that looks positively delicious! Soup and biscuits (cheese!) are a cold weather favorite around here too. Yum yum yum!!!

    Florrie, your dinner sounds great too! Recipe? :)

    I've been watching the news about all the white stuff you PacNWers and Canucks are experiencing.
    You can keep it up there! Me, I'm ready for spring! And daffodils! :D

  8. Hot hearty soups and cheese - yum! (I'll pass on the bacon though :) ). I've been making loads of soup this winter too because it's been freezing here. Well, by our standards anyway. The temperature hasn't risen above 15°C for weeks (I expect lots of sympathy here) and it goes down to around 10°C or lower at night.

    Last night we went to a wedding just outside Sderot* (yeah, the missile capital of Israel) and it was 6°C outside! I can't remember the last time I was so cold. Oh, yeah, when I went to Canada in February about 10 years ago :)).

    And yet - "my" almond tree across the road is in full blossom - a whole month early. Go figure. I can't work that one out at all.

    *Re Sderot - apparently a Kassam fell nearby but the band was making such a racket that we never heard anything! Crazy country! :p

  9. florrie, sorry to hear about the fence (the snow is pretty though). I hope the trees take it easy on you from now on. They really should know better!
