Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I am Maru

I tried to call up lewy's link in the Lenny thread but it didn't go to the same page as it did last night. Since I can't read Japanese, let alone speak it, I wasn't able to locate the original link so thought I better post a sample of my other heart-throb in case you all didn't get a chance to see the original link.

Moments at 3:03 and 4:24 should earn Maru an Academy Award. I've watched them several times now...

Enjoy, everyone!


  1. You can tell how Maru feels about his owner when he turns around in the opening sequence and narrows and widens his eyes several times. That's cat language for "I love you!".

  2. LOL! This is priceless! Thanks for posting the video florrie. I too am a huge fan of Maru, and not just me but my kids too.

    "he turns around in the opening sequence and narrows and widens his eyes several times. That's cat language for "I love you!"."
    That's interesting - and good news too! That means that Joey loves us :). (As well she should since she's treated like a princess...) :p

  3. Adorable! I love when he dives head first into the boxes. LOL!

  4. flo, the link I posted goes to the front page of Maru's blog - the front page changes almost daily.

    I check Maru everyday!

    Yes, it's a little challenging to navigate a blog in Japanese...

  5. Oh, thanks, lewy! In that case, I'm bookmarking and I'll be checking it as well. I have to admit that I've watched that video several times today :-)

  6. If you search YouTube for "Maru" virtually the whole first two pages of the search results belong to the cat... the most famous Maru on the planet...

    ...I suggested to my wife that we start a bed and breakfast called "The Crazy Cat Lady Experience". We'd have 23 cats in the place. (Unlike actual crazy cat ladies, they'd all be well cared for.) She said she'd feed them if I scooped the boxes. We'd have to charge quite a bit but we figured some people would go for it.

  7. Maru needs some playmates ... :D


  8. Aw geez, make it shut up ...


    Dang ... took a year, but I got her to shut up ...


    Now we iz at peace.

  9. Love the pics :-)

    Dogs and cats, getting along. Maybe there's hope for Congress...


  10. Ari - awesome pics - that reminds me - have you seen Insanity Puppy?


  11. imgw:"http://pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Screen-shot-2011-09-07-at-1.47.36-AM.png"

  12. :D ... reminds me of "Dera" ...


  13. LOL is right! I always figured Ari for an Insanity Puppy fan. How did I know? ;)

  14. LOL, I never heard of Insanity Puppy.

  15. I was in stitches watching Maru dive into boxes! What a funny (and woefully underfed and skinny) cat!

    Ari, your photos are great...tolerance in a nutshell (which is something never-to-be-seen in Congress). Insanity Puppy is a gorgeous boy, isn't he? The captions are perfect for the look on his face.

    What a great way to start the day! :)

  16. And now ... Insanity Man ... :D


    H/T: Weasel Zippers.

  17. Insanity is not nearly so enjoyable in a human as a puppy.
