Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Newt Rising!

Wow. Just wow!


  1. It's a weird political year. Romney doesn't turn me off entirely, he just reminds me of former Michigan Governor Bill Milliken ... the ultimate high taxes Republican. Newt seems like a "back to the future" candidate ... a lot of compromise in insider terms. Santorum? I just can't tell how serious he really is.

    That said, I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination ... hell, if necessary, against the Jug Eared Messiah, I'd write in Arion Hortensis ... I'll vote *ABO* no matter what.

    Mr Hortensis sneaks around at night, has a slime trail to match anyone, but is so slow you can at least keep track of his machinations & get rid of him if you need to ... :D

  2. This is the Newt I love. He doesn't need to slime his opponents- save that for Obama - and just concentrate on his own views and plans. Rush played many of his comments, all followed by loud cheering, this morning. It was even better the second time around. This will definitely help Newt's chances of securing the nomination. Stick a fork in the rest, they're done (although I realize Ron Paul will stay in come hell or high water). I was hoping this clip you posted would also include his Andrew Jackson reference. Here is a link for those of you who didn't watch the debate. It's frickin' AWESOME!!!

    Go Newtie!

  3. Mr Hortensis sneaks around at night, has a slime trail to match anyone, but is so slow you can at least keep track of his machinations & get rid of him if you need to ..

    Oh, I'm LMAO! I thought Arion Hortensis was a person!

    Well played, aridog!
