Monday, January 2, 2012

What Part Of The Word 'Concentration' Do We Not Understand?

The government seems to have a very strange view of the nature of emergency relief, when the contracts for FEMA camps includes 6 foot perimeter fencing, secureed off limits areas within the camps, and the option to contract with the operators for up to 5 years.


  1. This seems to follow right along with my 'paranoid' thread of a few days ago.

    And on further thought, with the massive increase (in both personnel & powers) of the TSA, as well as the para-miltarization of police forces throughout the country (think no-knock drug raids, dogs {and people} killed and families terrorized) it seems that, in the end, Barry got his Brownshirts, too.

    Given the miserable education in the basics of the rights and duties of American citizens, does anyone want to trust their country's future to young men and women whose strongest training is the following of orders?

  2. FEMA is an exercise in futility. They are molasses-slow to respond, and top heavy with personnel who have zero experience responding to disasters (except on paper. Reams and reams of paper).

    The article delineates areas to host five fenced camps that will only hold a maximum of 2,000 people each. What does that solve? If on-the-ground responders are faced with the aftermath of a dirty bomb or a massive natural disaster, these camps will be nearly useless.

    Disasters are best handled by local responders, the military, the Red Cross, and the Salvation Army, IMO.

    FEMA is a joke. They'll spend billions planning these 6' fenced encampments, and billions lavishing money and resources on the few people who utilize the camps. Meanwhile, the real work is being done in the field, around and through the idiots at FEMA.

    I don't worry about FEMA constructing concentration camps for a few thousand people. The rest of us would rise up, and we outnumber the suits with their soft hands and programmed brains. The small "off-limits" areas are probably for these bureaucrats to sit at their paperwork stations, unsullied by the mass of injured and desperate victims.

    DWT, the gov't has a "strange view" of lots of things. They don't know what they're talking about, yet they keep yammering and spending our national treasure.
